ShmuelRonen / VideoReTalking-HQ

VideoReTalking-HQ is a high-quality video retalking tool for enhancing and synchronizing video frames with audio inputs using advanced face enhancement techniques, including GFPGAN, and expression control.
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Issue with Output Video Quality Despite 1080P Input #2

Open Smiley4923 opened 5 days ago

Smiley4923 commented 5 days ago

First of all, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for providing such an excellent project. It has been incredibly useful and impressive.

I have encountered an issue while using the project. Even though the input video I am using is in 1080P resolution, the output video quality appears unclear, as if it has been upscaled from a lower resolution. I am not sure which parameters I should adjust to improve the output video quality.

Could you please provide some guidance on how to achieve better output video quality? Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time and help.

ShmuelRonen commented 5 days ago

The mechanism of Video-ReTalking from the beginning was to convert the resolution of the input video to lower resolution. It's mainly because the memory demands of the process. I try to increase resolution by using Codeformer to enhance the result.

Smiley4923 commented 4 days ago

Thank you very much for your reply. While the effect is indeed improved after using codeFormer, I noticed that the originally out-of-focus parts of the video become clear. How do you address this issue? Additionally, how do you handle lip jitter and visual artifacts that appear after the conversion?

Thank you very much for your time and help.

ShmuelRonen commented 4 days ago

I will try to figure it out. If you have ComfyUI installed you can try this:

ShmuelRonen commented 4 days ago

I made some adjustments to the code. you can recheck

Smiley4923 commented 4 days ago

Okay, thank you for your reply.

Smiley4923 commented 4 days ago

How does this compare to Heygen? What level of achievement can be effect?