Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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I2P Wiki #139

Open Shoalsteed opened 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Proxy Configuration I2P in Private Browsing Mode This extension is included in the I2P core Windows software. If you are not a Windows user, it can be added from Firefox Browser Add-ons. Configuring Privacy Browser for I2P on Android Browser Configuration Guide

Outproxy StormyCloud Purokishi

Service Directories http://notbob.i2p/ Search Engines Legwork search engine Another i2p search engine by OnionLand

Inproxies You can use inproxies to surf the I2P network without having to have an I2P router. - - -

I2P Name Registries / Directories http://reg.i2p/ operated by PurpleI2P Team - DNS service http://isitup.i2p/ Another I2P Name Registry and checking tools to see if a eepsite is offline. http://notbob.i2p/ - Lists active eepsites and categorizes them. http://scanner.linuxfarm.i2p/ - Copy from notbob.i2p http://stats.i2p/ - DNS service and router statistics

File Sharing PrivateBin Encrypted pastebin http://sharefile.i2p/ http://fileshare.linuxfarm.i2p/ http://cake.i2p/ http://tmpsend.i2p/

Pastebins http://privatebin.i2p/ http://paste.idk.i2p/

Torrents PaTracker Main torrent tracker YouTube Proxy http://tube.i2p/ http://invidious.qwik.i2p/ Twitter Proxy http://natter.i2p/ http://nitter.skank.i2p/ Wikipedia Proxy http://wikiless.i2p/

News http://planet.i2p/ - RSS News Aggreator

I2P Related http://i2p-projekt.i2p/ - Official site of I2P http://wiki.i2p-projekt.i2p/ - Internal I2P wiki maintained by the I2P team http://i2pmetrics.i2p/ - Statistics about routers in I2P (countries, flags, ...)

Tutorials http://w3schools.i2p/ - Online courses about web technologies like HTML, CSS or JavaScript http://privacy-handbuch.i2p/ - Manual in German with tips on how to protect ones privacy Setting Up A Gopher Service on I2P A gopher service is somewhere in between a website and an ftp server, allowing the user to download files and also access links. Generating an eepsite vanity address (i2pd) Multi-homing a site between the WWW and an I2P Eepsite (i2pd) How to set up untraceable websites (eepsites) on I2P Easy censorship-resistant communication with Syndie The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the I2P eepsites

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Resources For Devs

Go (golang) I2P Tools samcatd a.k.a. sam-forwarder many of the other applications use sam-forwarder as a way of automatically configuring i2ptunnels, including:

httptunnel is a standalone http proxy for I2P that uses SAM and implements an interface like sam-forwarder. eephttpd is a simple static http server with markdown parsing support. gitsam is a super-simple git repository setup built on eephttpd and gitkit. reposam is a binary deb repository built on repogen. samtracker is a simple torrent tracker built upon retracker. cowyosam is a pastebin-wiki hybrid built on cowyo colluding_sites_attack is a tool for fingerprinting browsers as they visit eepSites to determine if useful information can be extracted. outproxy is a standalone outproxy built on SAM. Definitely don't use it if you don't know what you're in for. libanonvpn is a VPN library and terminal application that uses SAM Datagrams. Sort of like onioncat, but cooler. checki2cp is an I2P router presence detection tool. Use it to find out if an I2P router is installed. goSam is a SAM library for Go that implements an HTTP Transport. keyto is a text key conversion tool. sam3 is another SAM library for Go, but it implements a net.Conn and net.Packetconn making it a near drop-in replacement for regular connections. Tutorials, Research I2P Javadoc Mirror of the I2P Java documentation. Clone it into ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/javadoc-i2p/ to set up your own mirror automatically. git clone ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/javadoc-i2p/ Nextcloud over I2P Example Instructions for setting up your own hosted services over I2P using NextCloud. DokuWiku over I2P Example Instructions for setting up your own wiki over I2P using DokuWiki. SSH over I2P Example Instructions for setting up your own remote access over I2P using SSH.

The following is a copy of all the plugins zzz collected. They’re all also added to a torrent which is available at: http://idk.i2p/idk.i2p.torrent

I2PControl: 0.12.0-b1 RPC Interface for controlling I2P. This is also available in the standard Java and C++ I2P routers. i2phex: Gnutella for I2P. i2phex for Windows: Gnutella for I2P for Windows. i2psnark-rpc: 0.6-b1 I2PSnark RPC Control interface. JwebCache: 0.2.8-b1 Gnutella Web Cache for I2P. Orchid: 1.2.2-0.6-b1 Tor Client/Outproxy Plugin. Servlet3: 1.0-b0 Servlet Demo Plugin. Snowman 0.2-b1 Snowman Demo Plugin. Syndie Linux 32: 1.107b-0-b2 Distributed forums. Syndie Linux 64: 1.107b-0-b2 Distributed forums. Syndie Windows 32: 1.107b-0-b2 Distributed forums. Syndie Windows 32: 1.107b-0-b2 Distributed forums. Syndie Mac 64: 1.107b-0-b2 Distributed forums. zzzot: 0.18.0-b1 Easy-to-install and deploy OpenTracker for I2P. Deskop GUI Controller: 0.7.5-b5 Desktop GUI for controlling I2P via I2PControl. jIRCii: 2014-12-9-z1 Java IRC Client. Pebble: 2.4-v5-b31 Pebble blogging software. BROKEN. Servlet Demo: 1.0-b0 Servlet Demo Plugin. Snowman Demo: 0.2-b1 Snowman Demo Plugin. Syndie for Mac: 1.105b-0-b0 Distributed forums. Tahoe-LAFS-Controller: 0.5-b24 Requires a Tahoe-LAFS installation. More Resources From Idk does everything that the Hidden Services Manager does but is easier to use as an external library which can be used for:

Single-serve git repositories: Debian-style application sources: A bittorrent tracker: A pastebin: Debian-style application retrieval: More debian-style application retrieval: VPN over I2P Datagrams: Matrix Client/Server: Gemini Server: Gemini Client: Web Crawler: I2P only Mumble Server: A Guide To Embedding I2P In Your Application: Automatically sets up a Monero node behind I2P using the official builds of monerod from GetMonero :