Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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Open Shoalsteed opened 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

What is I2P ---> The I2P Network The I2P network uses overlay peer-to-peer networking architecture to provide the base for its own transports and routing capabilities. All network queries are encrypted, and use protocols that hide the user from the server and the server from the user. Messages are handled in such a way that there is no way to clearly see origin, sender, or destination. The network also offers resistance to pattern recognition and blocking by censors, and location blocking. The network is accessible using the Java core software, or the the c++ deamon i2pd.

I2P Cares About Privacy --- > Build On I2P HTTP, HTTPS, Email, Bitmessage, BitTorrent, IRC, Usenet, FTP, SSH, MOSH, VPN(GarlicCat), RDP, VNC, Telnet, TCP and UDP-based purpose-specific systems, like video games integrate with the I2P network, as well as programming language integration via API's. Projects that are using I2P include libtorrent, BiglyBT, Monero, Bitcoin Core, as well as DIVA.EXCHANGE research including DNS and free banking. Visit our Application Developers documentation to get started building your own I2P compatible application!

I2P is Peer to Peer ----> I2P Java Router Gateway Software The software includes a router that connects you to the network, and includes applications and customization for your own administration, including a Hidden Service manager.

Privacy And Security By Design (Keep) Transport Overview

Built For Communication ----> Get Involved Run a reseed server, support core development and translate.