Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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Forum #162

Open Shoalsteed opened 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

If we want more people to use forum, we need too:

It has to have a strategy for productive communication. If managed properly, it will work with our roadmaps and instigate contribution.

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago
Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Generating Conversation

Have Forum topics like "Service Operators" where people like Stormy Cloud, not bob. ect can have a platform for announcements and a place to post for donations. A good place to discuss ToS for services, etc.

Reseed : Tor has relay operator meetups. We should and could have reseed channels that are more active.

DIVA.EXCHANGE, research - Topic for this specifically.

Test My Application: self explaining , but include some rules ie , needs to be FOSS/ have a repo lol.

I used to write weekly updates, but there has nor really been much to talk about since Zab fired everyone and started threatening me!

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

I2P Core Development

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Announcements Roadmaps Proposals

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Application Development

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I would remove all of these except Plugins ?

Maybe add "New Applications: Testers Wanted?

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Maybe change this to Support

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Remove "Misc" Move Guides here?

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Move over our best posts from Reddit and add to an FAQ. We can then ask for localization support where we feel that these may be things that can be implemented on the site or a blog post.

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago


Speak to Forum Admin regarding access/ scope / permissions.

Write CoC Decide on moderation schedule

If we can, I suggest deleting any posts that are not in line with the kinds of conversations that we want going forward. This includes I2P Laboratory, I2P Browser, MuWire, and any posts that are trolling, unproductive.

If we can change and modify topics, do so. Create a knowledge hub (FAQ) with long form answers to topics.

Update the theme, deal with any bugs if there are any ie logo not displaying.

Announce on socials when ready.

Rework Topics

eyedeekay commented 1 year ago

I would like to usurp the I2P Browser subforum for i2p.firefox and i2p.plugins.firefox, those inherit the role browser was supposed to fill and are essentially orphaned and without a forum. Re-title it "Easy Install Bundle / I2P Browser Archive" IMO. In general we shouldn't remove for being merely unproductive, trolling is another matter, rulebreaking and illegal content others unto themselves. To do so would be draconian. I don't think the response should be uniform. To propose a scale:

IMO FAQ should also be a subforum, one where only moderators are allowed to post or move topics, one of the things I've always hated about reddit that forum can do better is this, moving a thread in-situ to the FAQ section.

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Agree re: FAQ.

For Windows Easy Install, I think that we should have topics for Windows, Mac, Android, Linuxes? I2PIPB needs its own topic IMO since it can be installed on its own or in the Windows bundle.

We can get more feedback from Ech re how he mods the forum now as well for handling that role. I don't want to be a cast iron bitch, but I also don't want zzz's old forum either.

Shoalsteed commented 12 months ago

Forum Proposal

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Shoalsteed commented 12 months ago

Community Standards

We work together. We don’t allow frustration to turn into personal attacks. A community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect community members to resolve disagreements constructively.

Be collaborative : Collaboration reduces redundancy and improves the quality of our work. We prefer to work transparently and involve interested parties as early as possible.

Be friendly and professional: Don’t make people feel stupid for asking a question

Take responsibility for your words and your actions : We can all make mistakes; when we do, we take responsibility for them. If someone has been harmed or offended, we listen carefully and respectfully, and work to right the wrong.

No questions or conversations about markets or other illegal activity.

Search before you post.

No malicious content.

I2P related posts only

No discussion of "Illegal" File Sharing

No VPN, Proxy or Crypto-Currency Discussions

Shoalsteed commented 11 months ago


Easy-Install Bundles

Windows Easy-Install Bundle

MacOS Easy-Install Bundle

I2P Browser Extension

SAMv3 Applications

Shoalsteed commented 11 months ago
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Shoalsteed commented 11 months ago

forum draft 1 forum draft 2:2 forum draft : 3

eyedeekay commented 11 months ago

Maybe make "I2P Application Developers" into "I2P Applications" instead, or move I2PIPB and Easy-Install to "Third-party Applications" instead, but that's the only criticism that stands out to me.

Shoalsteed commented 11 months ago

is there any benefit to having bote, imule, etc? The topics are not dead, but is there a reason they are showcased? I would consider removing them entirely

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

Leaving open. I reached out to Ech, but we have no coordinated yet. It is not complete and requires more refinement.