I. Goals of I2P
I.A Privacy, anonimity
I.B Determining your threat model and level of paranoia
II. Installing and configuring your own I2P router
II.A Choice of making it accessible from your LAN
II.A.1 Personal home LANs
II.A.2 Shared, school, and business LANs
II.B Bandwidth considerations
II.B.1 Contribution to the network
II.B.2 For your own use
II.B.3 How to not stand out
II.C Tunnels explained
II.C.1 Tunnel length tradeoffs
II.C.2 Lease sets and Why and when to stop a tunnel
III. Configuring a web browser
III.A "Profiles" in Firefox
III.B Android and iPhone proxies
IV. The Addressbook and finding things
IV.A. Why there is no universal naming or search engine
IV.B. The local address book
IV.C. Subscriptions and the registration sites
V. Using community services
V.A Mail from postman, timing expectations,
V.C Torrenting
V.C.1 Trackers
V.C.2 I2PSNARK and where the files go
VI. Operating an eepsite
VI.A Connecting an existing clearnet web server
VI.A.1 Separate home pages?
VI.A.2 Apache specifics
VI.A.3 Nginx specifics
VI.B Using the built-in Jetty web server
VI.C Response time expectations
VI.C.1 Javascript AJAX and JQuery
I. Goals of I2P I.A Privacy, anonimity I.B Determining your threat model and level of paranoia
II. Installing and configuring your own I2P router II.A Choice of making it accessible from your LAN II.A.1 Personal home LANs II.A.2 Shared, school, and business LANs II.B Bandwidth considerations II.B.1 Contribution to the network II.B.2 For your own use II.B.3 How to not stand out II.C Tunnels explained II.C.1 Tunnel length tradeoffs II.C.2 Lease sets and Why and when to stop a tunnel
III. Configuring a web browser III.A "Profiles" in Firefox III.B Android and iPhone proxies
IV. The Addressbook and finding things IV.A. Why there is no universal naming or search engine IV.B. The local address book IV.C. Subscriptions and the registration sites
V. Using community services V.A Mail from postman, timing expectations, V.B IRC V.C Torrenting V.C.1 Trackers V.C.2 I2PSNARK and where the files go V.D
VI. Operating an eepsite VI.A Connecting an existing clearnet web server VI.A.1 Separate home pages? VI.A.2 Apache specifics VI.A.3 Nginx specifics VI.B Using the built-in Jetty web server VI.C Response time expectations VI.C.1 Javascript AJAX and JQuery