Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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(wip) The Human rights framework and need to maintain a free flow of data #174

Open Shoalsteed opened 8 months ago

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

document I2P user experience where fragmentation occurs at technical level.

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago
Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

interoperability of the global internet infrastructure.

differentiate between the fragmentation that has a negative impact on the interoperability on the transport layer and existing decentralisation in the organisation of the internet infrastructure (e.g. related to the management of the IP address space or the Domain Name System).

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

Interference topics

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

*** Fragmentation can be caused by technical, governmental, or commercial practices. Controlling what people can say and see online and legitimate attempts to address harms associated with internet use are driving forces behind policies that (intended or unintended) lead to internet fragmentation. IPv4/IPv6 is a cautionary tale and shows the time and effort needed to manage fragmentation caused by incompatible technical protocols.

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

roots of fragmentation

Shoalsteed commented 7 months ago
