Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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Hello World #178

Open Shoalsteed opened 5 months ago

Shoalsteed commented 5 months ago

From Reddit:

what's the absolute most simple "hello world" test? why is it apparently not documented? Help ... so, first experience with i2p. While the documentation is probably fantastic for when things work right, it seems to be a wee bit lacking in "how to get everything working right", tending to assume that your installation "just works". I've read that the "Network Testing" phase can take upwards of 40+ minutes, and that little to nothing works during that phase. The documentation is far more rosy on that, but doesn't seem to say anything at all about the Network Testing phase, or that you can't do much of anything until it's done.

That said, I would like to know the best method for the most simple test. An IRC client is what is suggested, but believe me, that is FAR from a simple test. Firstly, my Irc2P gateway has been hanging in the "Standby" state for the 30 minutes I've been running. Secondly, IRC is just not a simple "Hello, World"

I'm not just looking for "how do I make my setup work" help, I'm specifically wanting to know how to test that the i2p installation is working, so that it can be replicated easily if/when necessary, and tested. And if there's anything that can be done regarding the absolutely immense startup time.

My situation is that I'm wanting to build a docker stack that connects to the outside world via i2p. I've got the docker image for i2p running, I've got everything forwarded in per the documentation ... and if I try and hit the HTTP proxy, to either known i2p hosts, or internet hosts, I just get back a big fat 504 Timeout response.

So... my guess on doing a Hello, World is going to each container in the docker stack, and saying "http_proxy=i2p curl (some i2p address); curl (some ip address)" and if it works, mark it good, if it doesn't, mark it failed. Should that work? Should I have to wait 45+ minutes to get into the network?

And can we document a simple test method like that, and also where to find debugging information, for when hello world fails? Because right now, I don't seem to have the slightest idea how to determine why my proxy calls are all 504'ing. And then if that is the case that we can't do anything on the network until the services are completely done with their testing ... how can we determine programatically if that is completed?

Shoalsteed commented 5 months ago

two things:

"native I2ping" - network connection test Outproxy ping

Shoalsteed commented 5 months ago

test.i2p purchased by collaborator. Meeting notes: how to prove that a person is connected to I2P network. A static site that simply proves a network forecast and a success indicator. We will discuss next week in community meeting what more we can do, basic and wish list utilities, issues, etc.

Shoalsteed commented 5 months ago

Test i2p created by stormy! Tested and it works with I2PIPB in Firefox.

This is great because it shows a user that in that tab they are using an outproxy.

Next, can we set up an inside I2P network version that people can use to test in network connection.