Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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Bringing down the cost of free software #36

Open Shoalsteed opened 2 years ago

Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago

free as in puppy not free as in beer

Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago

No standardization of language. This results in latency and energy being spent trying to understand things that could potentially be mapped to something else in a way that makes it more recognizable.

Mapping to real world issues is not always accurate or considering of nuances. Stress tests don't happen much or at all to see where onboarding and UX , or the tool itself is successful or needs refinement in its adoption journey.

Trust building and community building between projects In some cases we are not working towards the best infrastructure and outcome for ourselves or our users due to tendencies towards monocultures, not correcting narratives and competition for funding, donation or reputation. There is also the problem that some projects simply do not have the resources to maintain these relationships or even start them.

Resources It is not always clear where these are, and also these too can provide conflicting advice. Returning to the idea of standardization and the addition of living community led hubs like stack overflow or wikipedia in reputation, what could we create? If new contributors can find this more easily can they be more successful?

Feedback loops are lateral Often the feedback we get is a call that is coming from inside the house. There is some sort of bias, often assumed knowledge that can over time throttle growth and in worst case lead to incumbency and gate keeping by accident.

Maintainers resources are scattered or not maintained Often these are shared from a personal Git. Some are not updated, leading to doc rot. Docs updates need to worked into roadmaps.

So much energy is spent trying to find the right onramp to what you need Not all projects have the resources in place to actively engage as many different inputs as they could.

Apps often die on the vine from lack of testing or obscurity This costs effort, enthusiasm and growth and worst of all the opportunity to run with something that can be of benefit and gain adoption of users and contributors.