Shoalsteed / UX

UX Overview March 5
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FAQ: Privacy and Safety Page #48

Closed Shoalsteed closed 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago

Network Connection Safety

Is my router an "exit node" to the regular Internet? I don't want it to be. No. Unlike Tor, "exit nodes" - or "outproxies" as they are referred to on the I2P network - are not an inherent part of the network. Only volunteers who specifically set up and run separate applications will relay traffic to the regular Internet. There are very, very few of these. By default, I2P's HTTP Proxy (configured to run on port 4444) includes a single outproxy: false.i2p. This is run on a voluntary basis by Meeh. There is an outproxy guide available on our forums, if you would like to learn more about running an outproxy.

I am opposed to certain types of content. How do I keep from distributing, storing, or accessing them? I2P is an anonymous network - it is designed to withstand attempts at blocking or censoring of content, thus providing a means for communication that anyone can use. I2P traffic that transits through your router is encrypted with several layers of encryption. Except in the case of a serious security vulnerability (of which none are currently known), it is not possible to know what the contents of the traffic are and thus not possible to distinguish between traffic which one is opposed to or not opposed to. We consider the 3 parts of the question:

Distribution All traffic on I2P is encrypted in multiple layers. You don't know a message's contents, source, or destination. All traffic you route is internal to the I2P network, you are not an exit node (referred to as an outproxy in our documentation). Your only alternative is to refuse to route any traffic, by setting your share bandwidth or maximum participating tunnels to 0 (see above). It would be nice if you didn't do this, you should help the network by routing traffic for others. Over 95% of users route traffic for others. Storage I2P does not do distributed storage of content, this has to be specifically installed and configured by the user (with Tahoe-LAFS, for example). That is a feature of a different anonymous network, Freenet. By running I2P, you are not storing content for anyone. Access If there are hidden services which you dislike, you may refrain from visiting them. Your router will not request any content without your specific instruction to do so.

Is using the I2P software safe?

Before you use I2P, use Basic Computer Hygiene Always! Apply your OS vendor provided software updates in a prompt manner. Be aware of the state of your firewall and anti-virus status if you use one. Always get your software from authentic sources.

I2P strives to be safe in its default configuration for all users.

It may be dangerous to use I2P in what the project calls "Strict Countries" where the law may not be clear on anonymizing software and where risks are judged to be fairly high. Most I2P peers are not in those strict countries and the ones that are, are placed in "Hidden Mode" where they interact with the rest of the network in more limited ways, so that they are less visible to network observers.

In any communication that happens on the internet or any other network like I2P, always ensure that you take care when interacting with links, downloads and how you manage your identity.

If I host a website at I2P at home, containing only HTML and CSS, is it dangerous? If you're hosting a personal blog or doing something otherwise non-sensitive, then you are obviously in little danger. If you have privacy needs that are basically non-specific, you are in little danger. If you are hosting something sensitive, then your services will go down at the same time that your router goes down. Someone who observes your downtime and correlates it to real-world events could probably de-anonymize you with enough effort. I2P has defenses available against this like multihoming or Tahoe-LAFS, but they require additional set up and are only appropriate for some threat models. There is no magic solution, protecting yourself from a real threat will take real consideration in any case.

I see IP addresses of all other I2P nodes in the router console. Does that mean my IP address is visible by others? Yes, and this is how a fully distributed peer-to-peer network works. Every node participates in routing packets for others, so your IP address must be known to establish connections.

While the fact that your computer runs I2P is public, nobody can see your activities in it. You can't say if a user behind this IP address is sharing files, hosting a website, doing research or just running a node to contribute bandwidth to the project.

Is it possible to block I2P? Yes, by far the easiest and most common way is by blocking bootstrap, or "Reseed" servers. Completely blocking all obfuscated traffic would work as well (although it would break many, many other things that are not I2P and most are not willing to go this far). In the case of reseed blocking, there is a reseed bundle on Github, blocking it will also block Github. You can reseed over a proxy (many can be found on Internet if you do not want to use Tor) or share reseed bundles on a friend-to-friend basis offline.

Is it easy to detect the use of I2P by analyzing network traffic? It can be deduced that somebody is using the I2P network with some reliability, but it is a little difficult to know for sure. The most reliable way to know for sure would be to have a computer with a fairly stable IP address that you suspect is an I2P user, and a bunch of computers you control on different networks all running I2P. When one of them connects to your suspected computer, you will be able to see their I2P router in the netDB. This might take time, and it might never happen. You could also try blocking all obfuscated traffic on a particular network until you're sure every I2P router on that network has lost all of it's peers. At that point, they'll reach out to reseed servers to get more peers, which a network administrator can probably observe.

Is using an outproxy safe? I2P does not encrypt the Internet, neither does Tor - for example, through Transport Layer Security (TLS). I2P and Tor both aim to transport your traffic as-is securely and anonymously over the corresponding network, to its destination. Any unencrypted traffic generated at your system will arrive at the outproxy (on I2P) or the exit node (on Tor) as unencrypted traffic. This means that you are vulnerable to snooping by the outproxy operators. One way to protect your outproxy traffic against this is to ensure that any traffic that will be handled by the outproxy is encrypted with TLS.

For more information, you may read the Tor FAQ's answer to this question:

In addition, you may be vulnerable to collusion between the outproxy operator and operators of other I2P services, if you use the same tunnels ("shared clients"). There is additional discussion about this on zzz.i2p. This discussion has been mirrored on our forums as well.

Ultimately, this is a question that only you can answer because the correct answer depends on your browsing behaviour, your threat model, and how much you choose to trust the outproxy operator.

What about "De-Anonymizing" attacks? Reducing anonymity is typically done by A) identifying characteristics that are consistent across anonymous identities or B) identifying ephemeral characteristics of repeated connections. We say "reducing" anonymity because many of these characteristics are shared by many of our users, making these anonymity "sets," the smaller the anonymity set and the more small sets you belong to, the more brittle your anonymity.

Attacks on I2P in the past have relied on correlating NetDB storage and verification, by randomizing the delay between storage and verification, we reduce the consistency with which that verification can be linked to I2P activity, thereby limiting the utility of that data point.

Attacks on software configured to work with I2P are out of scope for I2P to solve. When browsing I2P or hosting I2P services, it's is the responsibility of the user to consider their threat model. Browsers are particularly problematic due to fingerprinting attacks, and the wide variety of information that can be gleaned from them. Using a standardized browsing profile is thought to help mitigate the impact of fingerprinting.