Shoalsteed / UX

UX Overview March 5
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I2P Software Licenses Copy *** #58

Closed Shoalsteed closed 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago reworked copy:

The software developed to support the anonymous communication network called I2P is freely available, open source, and user modifiable. To meet these criteria, the project makes use of a variety of legal and software engineering techniques to remove as many barriers to entry for those considering making use of or contributing to the I2P effort.

While the information below may be more confusing than just simply stating "I2P is BSD", "I2P is GPL", or "I2P is public domain", the short answer to the question "How is I2P licensed?" is this:

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Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago

Developers can push changes to a distributed git repository if they receive permission from the person running that repository. See the Monotone Page for details. (IDK THIS LINK IS NAMED MONOTONE AND GOES TO SETTING UP GITLAB)

In order for changes to be included in a release, developers must be trusted by the release manager (currently zzz). In addition, developers must explicitly agree with the following terms. A signed email must be sent to the release manager affirming that:

Unless marked otherwise, all code I commit is implicitly licensed under the component's primary license If specified in the source, the code may be explicitly licensed under one of the component's alternate licenses I have the right to release the code I commit under the terms I am committing it

If anyone is aware of any instances where the above conditions are not met, please contact the component lead and/or an I2P release manager with further information. MAKE THIS BOLD

See developers' license agreements.

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