Shoes3 / ebook

An interactive eBook written in Shoes.
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Be more Wizardly in ebook-builder.rb #18

Open ccoupe opened 7 years ago

ccoupe commented 7 years ago

ebook-builder doesn't keep any state about what phase has been completed nor anyway to backup to a previous phase and change something. If we wrote mulitpe yamls file ebook-1.yaml, ebook2.yaml we could detect the current state (and for debugging purposes compare the two yamls) clicking save or next would create it's ebook-{n}.yaml and delete yaml greater than n. It would also allow a nicer GUI experience and the ability the add panels if needed and could also be a way to move some of the code into separate files, per #17

IanTrudel commented 7 years ago

How about a multi page UI with next button? If the process was stopped or interrupted, it would give the user the choice to either resume or start over.

ccoupe commented 7 years ago

I call it multiple panels (like Cobbler) - is that mult ipage ? If so, then it would be easier to work ones way through the steps with some back and next buttons.

IanTrudel commented 7 years ago


IanTrudel commented 7 years ago

It might be possible to bootstrap the Shoes eBook builder.

It would be otherwise possible to consider adding a feature that would allow us, or even authors, to run code (not the run this button!), create widgets and forms in the eBook.

ccoupe commented 7 years ago

Many things are possible. Github doesn't support svg's in certain places that ebook could handle. is already a test case for ebook with a private note to myself that there could be a 'help' button on the builder that would display it in new Shoes Window.

Per your image above, what do you think should happen sidebar wise, if there are two or three md in that directory with the ?

IanTrudel commented 7 years ago

The main text in the image above is just a filler. The idea is to provide something like NSIS installer as far as workflow goes.

The main page is displayed, the author moves to initializing, fill up the form, click on next at the bottom of the page to get to the next step and so on.

IanTrudel commented 7 years ago

The side menu is kinda like a progress bar. We may grey out steps until the author has properly fill the current section. Look at the image... Each section is equivalent to your buttons in the eBook-builder.rb.