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[Improvement?] BakaBT search #337

Closed Rand-Random closed 7 years ago

Rand-Random commented 8 years ago


Not sure if its the correct place to ask the question, since its not really an issue more a simple question.

I regulary download complete series from BakaBT and found it difficult to check if I already have the series or not, since my memory isnt that great I just couldnt tell and had to search JMM again and again.

So I kinda got annoyed doing that and wrote a little (external) tool that does the job for me. It takes a search query from BakaBT in my case I was looking for BluRay Release I dont have, so I used the query:

In the resulting HTML Document, I search for all entries and check the page for example:

In that HTML Document I go and search for the - Anime ID and check if the JMM Server already has a reference to that Anime ID.

After parsing all pages and all entries from the query, I output them in a CSV file looking like this:

AniDb_ID;Url;Download Url;Exists

You could input any search query, for example categories like ecchi, fantasy, action... and check if there is a show that you are missing.

Now my question is if this feature is something thats usefull not only for me or not, and if its worth integrating into JMM Client?!?

Feedback is welcome.

(pray to god that such a feature does not already exists and I simply missed it)

ElementalCrisis commented 8 years ago

Well there is the series match window at the bottom. Im sure something could be added that states you already have the series. What do you think @jmediamanager?

da3dsoul commented 8 years ago

If you click on something, it'll tell you what episodes you have.

Rand-Random commented 8 years ago

@ElementalCrisis cant seem to find the "series match window" you are talking about.

da3dsoul commented 8 years ago


Rand-Random commented 8 years ago

@da3dsoul seems like you didnt quite get the point I have tried to make, I know that you can check JMM Desktop if the series exists and what episodes you have, BUT thats exactly what I DO NOT want to do.

Lets assume the above mentioned query (

This query results in 373 anime series, so I would need to manually check all those 373 anime series if I already have them by searching JMM Desktop manually, and thats where my tool steps in you pass it a query like the one mentioned and it automatically tells you which of the found series you have or have not and than you can download them.

da3dsoul commented 8 years ago

Hmmm, tag search and hide anything you have? That'd be pretty nice.

da3dsoul commented 8 years ago

I see what you mean

ElementalCrisis commented 8 years ago

Oh OK, so an indicator in the results informing you that you already have the series. I like that idea.

Rand-Random commented 8 years ago

Here is my tool that I wrote and used for this job. (Source Code included) (I used the BakaBT.WebClientEx, the BakaBT.Utils.DownloadWebPage, BakaBT.Program.Login/ValidateCookie from jmmclient)

As I said its an external tool and doesnt communicate with JMM Server in anyway. it goes straight to the database and does the SQL query directly to it, so you have to enter the credentials for the SQL Server aswell for BakaBT.

If asked the serach query for bakabt, open bakabt in any webbrowser search for something and copy/paste the URL into the application.

(The application isnt really failure free, since I only wrote it for myself and didnt initially plan to release it in anyway)

ElementalCrisis commented 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing! I use MySQL so I can't use the tool but I would very much like to see this feature implemented.

da3dsoul commented 8 years ago

No it still helps plenty. The schema style is similar

da3dsoul commented 7 years ago

Downloads are likely to be removed in the next few days. I'm going to closed this, and it can be reopened if it once again becomes applicable.