ShokoAnime / ShokoServer

Repository for Shoko Server.
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Added PostgreSQL support. #1148

Open maxpiva opened 1 month ago

maxpiva commented 1 month ago

Added PostgreSQL support. One week without issues running on PostgreSQL. Will maintain and do appropriate migration patches are needed.

TODO by the Team:

MIGRATION options ATT: @ElementalCrisis for documentation update.

Migration of an existing database to PostgreSQL it should be done on the same versions of Shoko Server. (Since different versions may have different database schemas)

The below uses MySQL as an example, but PgLoader supports migrations from SQLite and SqlServer, the below script may need to be tweaked accordingly if you use other engine.

The migration is done with PgLoader in a docker, you could also download PgLoader binaries and do it directly.

Steps 1) Update settings-server.json with the appropriate user, pass, host, and types for the PostgreSQL connection to succeed.

  "Database": {
    "Type": "PostgreSQL",
    "Username": "[USER]",
    "Password": "[PASS]",
    "Schema": "ShokoServer",
    "Host": "[SERVER IP/DOMAIN]",

2) run ShokoServer with the parameter createdatabaseonly, this will start Shoko, and quit after the database is created without seeding it (Might also work also from Shoko.CLI)

ShokoServer createdatabaseonly

3) PgLoader (

Replace [MYSQLUSER], [MYSQLPASSOWORD], [MYSQLIP], [POSTGREUSER], [POSTGREPASSWORD], [POSTGREIP] with the appropriate values, this will migrate all your data.

docker run --rm -it dimitri/pgloader:latest

echo -e "LOAD DATABASE\nFROM mysql://[MYSQLUSER]:[MYSQLPASSWORD]@[MYSQLIP]/ShokoServer\nINTO postgresql://[POSTGREUSER]:[POSTGREPASSWORD]@[POSTGREIP]/shokoserver\nWITH data only,reset sequences\nCAST type int to integer drop typemod, type int with extra auto_increment to serial drop typemod keep default keep not null, type smallint with extra auto_increment to serial drop typemod keep default keep not null, type tinyint with extra auto_increment to serial drop typemod keep default keep not null\nEXCLUDING TABLE NAMES MATCHING 'Versions'\nALTER SCHEMA 'ShokoServer' RENAME TO 'shokoserver'\n\n;" > shoko.load

pgloader shoko.load

4) run Shoko Server as usual with your new database config.

Code tidbits:

ElementalCrisis commented 1 month ago

Responding to documentation ping.

I don't mind advanced DB options being available but I don't think we should provide detailed documentation on how to use them. I don't want average users attempting to use PostgreSQL, SQL Server or MySQL and creating another layer of troubleshooting.

Cazzar commented 1 month ago


There's admittedly little extra troubleshooting required, other than mentioning maybe another piece of software.

Once we have a single DB schema that we are dealing with other than the mix of migrations and the hopes that the ORM works as expected like we have currently, it will more be logic than it is querying data.

ElementalCrisis commented 1 month ago

That's fair.

As long as it doesn't add further complications, we can expand on it in the docs.