ShokoAnime / ShokoServer

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sync series watch & collection status when manually linking trakt links #608

Open CuddleBear92 opened 7 years ago

CuddleBear92 commented 7 years ago

i think the trakt linking should automatically sync after a bit of time. that way it automatically syncs when you made and correct links. also it allows a bit of time for the user to correct errors and so on when it comes to linking episodes and so on.

this should also happen when you mirror the tvdb link too.

having it not be delayed could make it sync wrong info if the links are wrong right way. needing editing and so on.

krbrs commented 7 months ago

Trakt sync for a series entry still happens right after a TVDB entry is auto-matched / added by hand.

It is possible to change the Trakt link and resync the Trakt series entry to fix the matches afterwards in Desktop. Currently there is no delayed queue for syncing Trakt series after TVDB entries were added and Trakt was linked.

Removing a Trakt link completely after wrong match does not issue a command to remove the wrong match from Trakt it seems (see #525 - "Ask to remove trakt series/movie when new link is made (to remove it from trakt collection cause it was wrong")

As TMDB support for series and movies is being added in the background, this should be looked into again afterwards.