ShokoAnime / ShokoServer

Repository for Shoko Server.
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AniList Support #738

Open da3dsoul opened 6 years ago

da3dsoul commented 6 years ago

It occurred to me that I didn't have an issue for this.

Things that I plan to implement:



List Syncing

bigretromike commented 6 years ago

dropping MAL:

Also, which metadata will be taken for database, as anidb contains most of those you refer here

Golumpa commented 4 years ago

Is there any advancement on this, I have been wanting to get shoko for ages but I only use AniList for an anime MyList. Would love to see this become a thing soon as it's the only thing holding me back currently.

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

Not directly, but I am in the middle of rewriting the AniDB and scrobbling system. Once that is done, my next big project is probably going to be expanding the user system to better handle accounts for the various community sites. Both of these are precursors to the scrobbling and account part of this, at least. PS nice Hifumi avatar

ElementalCrisis commented 4 years ago

To build on what @da3dsoul said, its still planned and something we want to incorporate down the road but we're working on other things right now that ideally should make adding AniList and other community sites easier in the future.

With that being said, we're not going to stop anyone from adding support for it do feel free to work on it if you'd like.

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

TBH I might say don't if just anyone tried, because there's so much work required (code refactoring to generify everything, allowing multiple data sources, allowing and storing more community accounts, more scrobbling sources, database refactoring, etc) for this. It'd be so much effort to look over the code changes for a PR that I might as well write it myself. If cazzar or maxpiva did it, then I could trust that it's done well and just do minor cleanup. It's not so easy for a new member to make good decisions with our spaghetti sauce.

Golumpa commented 4 years ago

Heh, Hifumi is best girl!

It's great to know that AniList is being looked into still as while I do like anidb because my good friend Deth is a mod, I prefer AniList for a MyList sorta site.

I know it's not a small undertaking but it's nice to see it's still being worked on.

da3dsoul commented 3 years ago

I almost lost this, so I'm putting it here. search by name.txt