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Question about file movement #84

Open saitoh183 opened 10 years ago

saitoh183 commented 10 years ago

Ok i will try to explain this the best possible.

I have Log horizon and series 2 was just release. I used the renaming script to rename and move the and it moved it to Log Horizon (2014). I want to know if there is a way to get it to rename and move it to Log Horizon with the episode of the first series. My Rename script adds a season number to it so the File can be picked up by Mediabrowser 3 server (that has a anime plugin). For the new series i added 2x.

I have the same issue with Fairy Tail (2014) but the difference is that it does place new episode into Fary Tail folder because on the initial scan, the Series 2 was already in there. (this weeks episode was renamed and placed there.)

Would i have had to create the series before hand? Is there something i can add to the script to achieve this?If not This should be a feature to allow us to choose where to save series to

Here is the result in Mediabrowser (top is when the series 2 eps is added to the series 1 folder, Bottom is when series 2 is in its own folder) image

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

At the moment, there isn't a way to achieve this.

The best possible way I can think of doing this is adding anther option to grouping something along the lines of

Would that solve your problem?

saitoh183 commented 10 years ago

Yeah i think that would. What i do now is after i get one eps of the new series, i move it to the series 1 folder, do a manual import, a clean library of missing files and then all the other eps to follow go into series 1

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

if you use surce folderser it will move the new files out of that folder to whatever folder you have files from the series in.

just make sure you atleast have one episode in the location you want and it will move all future episodes to that spot.

the best way is to just move the folders as you want them to be. do a scan and it will move all new episodes there. (if the new files is in the Source folder!)

i also asked for this here:

and this: (it will make Media Servers love out files more XD) (also on note, we would not need a Metadata writeout function if everything was in the right folders and names, as MediaBrowser makes those files just as well (i think.))

we already have linking of episodes to seasons with the TVDB agent but it does not handle seasons at all.

on a side note, im in the same boat as saitoh here aswell trying to get full support for plex and mediabrowser with less problems, the best way is to have the same folder and name standards as those use (season based).

ATM im doing a folder at a time and moving it to how i want it.... its slow and tedious and JMM should use this IMO since it already have a link.

saitoh183 commented 10 years ago

Yeah right now i move 1 episode over to the first series but the second series will sttill be named the second series name and not the first series name but would season 2x so that mediabrowser processes the file properly with its anime plugin

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

nothing to really do there untill we have season support in the renaming scripts.

best way to do it right now is to use something Bulkrenamer..... ofc this is only good if you are renaming many episodes at once and not just one at a time...... cant really help you there with a easy way.

still everything would have been alot simpler and easier if season was supported by the renaming script. i would love to use that again, miss it so much :C

also @jmediamanager any relation would be great to have in the same folders. normal episodes in season folders as its placed in thetvdb and specials as placed in the specials in the same site.

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

one thing you can do is to use MediaBrowser to handle all names. as MediaBrowser also has a source folder witch handles moves and renames (only thing you got to is make a folder of the series first so its added to your library) just set the file to the right series in the Auto-Organize page and it will move the folder and rename it for you.... ofc there is also setback doing it this way, you dont have different file names between files of the same episode (like multiple groups) also the Auto-Organize page does not consider anime and tv shows so everything handled by it will be moved into the same folder.

i for one will never do this tho since i always download alot of different files for the same episode to always have the best quality no matter what, thats why i love JMM after all.

but something like this can be something you do while we wait for full support in JMM.... if you dont download multiple files for each episode.

saitoh183 commented 10 years ago

Thanks, i will have a look. I dont mind doing it manually since its i dont download tones of anime but im always looking to make my system self reliant as must as possible

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

well i download almost every release of every group all the time on an RSS feed..... would really love to have season support for the renaming script myself XD

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Sorry been away on holiday for the last week or so.

I think both options can live together

I also use RSS in uTorrent to basically download every release without filtering

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

Yay! great to see you back at it! and that you are thinking about it! thing will get much simpler now over here with Plex...... now i just need a simple way to pull subs from my hole library to srt and ass files and such for better sub support with Samsungs Plex App (does not like anything within a mkv file that isnt a srt in direct streaming sadly :C)

would be really nice to be able to just let JMM handle all renaming and moving again >___< will be soo good!

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yup getting there slowly. At the moment I am working on moving the web cache from the old host to the new host (costing me too much at the moment)

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

understandable. no need to pay for two hosts now is there XD

but isnt that just linking all the metadata agents together? would that site really be needed if linking in the program was better and more failsafe (ofc that would be really hard no matter what) or use that other site that did that...... recall an issue on the google page you had before... dont recall the name of the site, but could you not use that site somehow to cut costs for you? or are you afraid that the site would shut down and you would be left there needing another site again?

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yes, I still to prefer my own web cache But my web cache has other types of data as well (mostly used by Anime Buddy)

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

ahhhh i see. just found witch site it was again (it was ) and i saw that it also linked per episodes so its always right. does the linking system we have now do that aswell? just thinking. i know i have had some problems in the past with One Piece and some others because of single episodes and such.

also while i have you here for questioning :3 i recall there where something about a MangaBuddy (referring to this page: )

where you working on Manga Support aswell in JMM?

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yeah my web cache also supports Trakt and MyAnimeList. And plan to support Anime Planet as well. Yes, it supports links per episode.

Ah yes work on Manga Buddy has stalled for now, but that was just a windows store app. I'm not happy with how any of the existing ones function, so have done some work of my own.

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

ahhh i see. well i just use ComicRack for my Manga Managing over here... ofc that does not download anything for you tho :C but i guess thats why i got the Free Manga Downloader as it works great for me (only hate that it does not import Metadata to the CBZ files tho)

tho im quite content with the Manga Rock app on the iPad myself.

but im guessing your app would support alot more crossover uses from how JMM works with metadata management and referring to what you have read and so on.

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yeah I used ComicRack for a while (for Android), and now Manga Tree on Windows 8.

The iPad apps are much better compared to the Windows Store apps.

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

yeah... i know what you mean. got Win8 here on my desktop.... all the apps are shit.

im quite happy with the apps i can get on my iPad but not on the Win8Store.

(just a thought about the metadata linking, im not sure how your system works but you can use the xem site for checking for links if there is no authorized links in your system (till you get an admin system up and running))

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

The admin system will be part of the next official release, so easier for me to just get that working now

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

nice! will be glad to help out if i can with the confirmation of the links.

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Great thanks

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

hmmm also a thought that we might need aswell if he are getting more support for Metadata sites and such.

a way to list all episodes that does not have a thumbnail picture (im 90% sure you can do this now, just see what does not have a link with thetvdb and such but not if they have pictures or not)

you could have an own page on the utilities page and asking people to upload pictures to thetvdb if there is some missing. (you could prob have a way for the page to have links to the episode in question for easier access)

ofc this have to exclude entries that does not have a series link with thetvdb to begin with like H stuff and movies that isnt on the site.

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yeah a couple of years back I requested a change to the TvDB api, to support the uploading of episode images. Unfortunately it didn't get much support.

Would have been great to allow the upload of TvDB images without needing to go the website

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

so true. but as it is right now, can we make JMM notice when its missing a picture when it tried getting it from the site. (or try to download the picture) it will add that episode to its own list. so we as users can atleast help out in uploading pictures of our own.

ofc if you make such a page it should encourage people to upload a pic for it and what format and rules that thetvdb has when it comes to size. (you can also note people that they can use simple things like MPC and paint to do it all and ask them to keep them spoiler free)

EDIT: you could also use the same listing system for users to report pictures with spoilers or bad thumbnails (this can prob do this on your webhost without much space usage.... then again i dont really know how much this kind of stuff will take)

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yup that sounds like a good idea.

Best to raise a new issue though.

CuddleBear92 commented 10 years ago

made a new issue here:

think i got everything that is needed.

sorry for my bad formatting and such.... just tying to info what i mean as good as i can XD

saitoh183 commented 10 years ago

So in order to keep thing simple in Mediabrowser Server i decided to put sequels/prequels in there own folders and under a season 1 folder so they show up as there own series in MBS. Im guessing JMM cant create a season folder with the renaming tool. But i saw on the anidb scripting link (found from the help scripting link in JMM) that you can use for example


Taken from

But i think this isnt recognized in JMM.

jmediamanager commented 10 years ago

Yes I based my syntax on WebAOM, but didn't implement this yet

saitoh183 commented 10 years ago


ElementalCrisis commented 7 years ago

504 should help with this.