Shoobx / mypy-zope

Plugin for mypy to support zope.interface
MIT License
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mypy doesn't find stubs when on PYTHONPATH #25

Open jaraco opened 3 years ago

jaraco commented 3 years ago

Probably an upstream issue, but first encountered here, so reporting the details. Running a check on a file importing zope.interface will result in an error "Skipping analyzing zope.interface".

draft $ cat mypy.ini
draft $ cat >
from zope.interface.interface import Interface

class X(Interface):
draft $ python -m venv venv
draft $ venv/bin/pip install -q mypy-zope
draft $ venv/bin/pip uninstall -q -y mypy-zope
draft $ venv/bin/pip install -q -t libs --no-deps mypy-zope
draft $ env PYTHONPATH=libs venv/bin/python -m mypy error: Skipping analyzing 'zope.interface.interface': found module but no type hints or library stubs note: See
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Even though the stubs are there:

draft $ tree libs/zope-stubs/
├── __init__.pyi
├── interface
│   ├── __init__.pyi
│   ├── _compat.pyi
│   ├── _flatten.pyi
│   ├── _zope_interface_coptimizations.pyi
│   ├── adapter.pyi
│   ├── advice.pyi
│   ├── common
│   │   ├── __init__.pyi
│   │   ├── idatetime.pyi
│   │   ├── interfaces.pyi
│   │   ├── mapping.pyi
│   │   └── sequence.pyi
│   ├── declarations.pyi
│   ├── document.pyi
│   ├── exceptions.pyi
│   ├── interface.pyi
│   ├── interfaces.pyi
│   ├── registry.pyi
│   ├── ro.pyi
│   └── verify.pyi
└── schema
    ├── __init__.pyi
    ├── _bootstrapfields.pyi
    ├── _bootstrapinterfaces.pyi
    ├── _compat.pyi
    ├── _field.pyi
    ├── _messageid.pyi
    ├── _schema.pyi
    ├── accessors.pyi
    ├── fieldproperty.pyi
    ├── interfaces.pyi
    └── vocabulary.pyi

3 directories, 31 files

Installing the plugin directly into the virtualenv seems to work fine.

draft $ venv/bin/pip install -q mypy-zope
draft $ venv/bin/python -m mypy
Success: no issues found in 1 source file
jaraco commented 3 years ago

Looks like this issue goes back to 2013 (python/mypy#175).

kedder commented 3 years ago

Yeah, the plugin doesn't do anything special about module lookups (and probably shouldn't do).

Instead of setting PYTHONPATH, you can try setting mypy_path=libs in your mypy.ini. See

jaraco commented 3 years ago

Adding mypy_path doesn't seem to help:

draft $ cat mypy.ini
draft $ env PYTHONPATH=libs venv/bin/python -m mypy error: Skipping analyzing 'zope.interface.interface': found module but no type hints or library stubs note: See
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Omitting PYTHONPATH altogether as suggested only results in the plugin failing to load:

draft $ venv/bin/python -m mypy
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
mypy.ini:2: error: Error importing plugin 'mypy_zope': No module named 'mypy_zope'
jaraco commented 3 years ago

I even tried using an absolute path to libs in the mypy_path directive, but that produced the same results.

jaraco commented 3 years ago

I also tried setting MYPY_PATH=libs in the environment, but that was no help either.

kedder commented 3 years ago

Hm, I'm not sure what's your problem now. Stubs for zope.interface and zope.schema are included in mypy-zope, so you should not provide them yourself. Why are you trying to include them?

jaraco commented 3 years ago

I'm not trying to provide stubs, only trying to consume them from mypy-zope when mypy-zope is not installed in system-site-packages (only available on sys.path). I'm pretty sure it's an upstream issue with mypy itself failing to load stubs that aren't on some blessed path. I'm trying to include the stubs because the mypy checks fail without the stubs. Maybe I don't understand the question.

kedder commented 3 years ago

Is there a simple way for me to repro the issue?

jaraco commented 3 years ago

Would you like a Dockerfile that implements the repro in the OP?

kedder commented 3 years ago

That would work

jaraco commented 3 years ago

Here's the Dockerfile:

from jaraco/multipy-tox
RUN echo "[mypy]\nplugins=mypy_zope:plugin" > mypy.ini
RUN echo "from zope.interface.interface import Interface\nclass X(Interface):\n    pass" >
RUN pip install mypy-zope
RUN pip uninstall -y mypy-zope
RUN pip install -t libs --no-deps mypy-zope
CMD env PYTHONPATH=libs mypy

If you use docker build on that file, then docker run the build, you should see the reported error:

test $ docker run @($(docker build -q .).strip())  # xonsh syntax error: Skipping analyzing 'zope.interface.interface': found module but no type hints or library stubs note: See
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

That's xonsh syntax, but assuming you're using a bash-like shell, you can probably do:

$ docker run $(docker build -q .)

The docker example doesn't use any virtualenvs but just installs everything (except mypy-zope) in the system site-packages. You should be able to docker run -it $(docker build -q .) bash to inspect and interact with the environment.

kedder commented 3 years ago

Oh, I see. I'll try to play with it tomorrow.

kedder commented 3 years ago

So, a bit later than I would've liked, but I did look into this. Apparently mypy only looks for stub dirs in site-packages dir, i.e. ones that are returned by site.getsitepackages() and site.getusersitepackages(). And these do not honor PYTHONPATH.

If you want to dig deeper, the third parameter to SearchPaths is used for stub lookup