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💩 The stale props and zombie children in redux #140

Closed wgao19 closed 5 years ago

wgao19 commented 5 years ago




There is this section the stale props and "zombie children" problem in the react-redux v7 documentation that seemed a little bit abstract for me at first so I decided to deep dive into it with some friends. I will share with you some of my thoughts and understandings on this topic.


Reactiflux chat log: React-Redux, "stale props", and subscriptions

reduxjs/react-redux#99 (Fix issues with stale props #99)

reduxjs/react-redux#292 (Can we avoid inconsistencies on non-batched dispatches?)

reduxjs/react-redux#1177 (React-Redux Roadmap: v6, Context, Subscriptions, and Hooks)

Redux doc

Stale props and zombie children in Redux
