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🍳 Things I Learned about the React Ecosystem by Building without Them #184

Closed wgao19 closed 4 years ago

wgao19 commented 4 years ago




The React ecosystem has built a lot of libraries to to work with React. Some of them are so "standard" that we only use the way we are taught and rarely think about how they become the way they are, what problems they are tackling, how they reached their conclusions now.

Via a project I've been building for the past half a year, I've reexamined (and reinvented) a lot of the wheels out there to see how they fit our needs and whether we want to write our own. So this is an anecdotal sharing about those thought processes.

Things I hope to cover:

edits: rephrase for clearer explanation


tanhauhau commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to it

yangshun commented 4 years ago

All the best, Wei! I'll be watching the livestream 🤓

wgao19 commented 4 years ago

thank you @yangshun!

wgao19 commented 4 years ago

link to slides:

live stream comments (I found them quite interesting so list them out here)

1. document title

​most likely react helmet provider is at the root most component relative to all your components, so its useEffect runs last, which replaces the document.title ​after u set document.title it depends on who's useEffect runs first, which depends on which component mount first

document.title is the shared mutable state

​but honestly we need a better replacement for helmet. the head update part is causing perf issue for us...

​Interesting, react-helmet-async does not depend on react-side-effect

(reply to the previous comment) react-helmet relies on react-side-effect, which is not thread-safe. If you are doing anything asynchronous on the server, you need Helmet to encapsulate data on a per-request basis,.

2. state management

  • alternatively, u can use setter function in setState
  • ​^ yes just about to ask about this. This should solve that problem as well right?
  • setBadge(badge => ({... badge, [id]: count })). ​if only have 1 action, yes. more than 1 type of actions, reducer is cleaner

hmm just checked vue's keep-live doc, it seems the idea is to persist component's state while switching, but not to share state? CMIIW

This exact feeling when people say “Redux is simple!!!!” 😂


​I kind of agree with the decision here. hared redux reducer will be hard to remove even when no pages still need it

​So, agree with this here… I also don’t think UI/page-specific state belongs to Redux…

​My general guideline when I use Redux is “store in Redux what I would’ve storeed in a database”… so if some piece of state should live and die with some UI component, then I wouldn’t put it in Redux.

3. routing & navigating

Umm... I'm a bit lost in this case. What's the issue we are trying to solve here?

sorry, the orders are a bit off 😅

will Suspense solve the problem?

​What about using React.Suspense?

Suspense alone, no, Suspense+Concurrent Mode, yes.


​^ got it. Now I kind of understand ​we want to avoid the fallback/loading if we can get the chunk quickly

other heart warming comments :))))

👋 Thank you for the talk. It's amazing

​Always love it when people dive in and check the source code to learn stuff and share the experience

Thank you all, they mean a lot to me!!!