Shopee / shopee-react-knowledgeable

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React Knowledgeable #10 - Dec 7, 2018 #50

Closed wgao19 closed 5 years ago

wgao19 commented 5 years ago

React Knowledgeable Week 10

🗓 Date: 18:00, Friday, Dec 7, 2018 🗺 Location: 2nd Floor Sharing Space

⚡️ Set A Little Goal, and Achieve It #39


If you haven’t figured, Jennie the first girl dev in Shopee, has many more other aspects of her life. To list a few, she has passed Japanese N5, lives a minimalist lifestyle, is an amateur ocean photographer, and is (probably most known in our team as) a pedi certified rescue diver. How does she achieve so many goals in her life aside from being an effective developer? She’ll share her secret in this talk.

⛰️ SKI Combinator #48


Continuing our lambda calculus series is this finale on SKI combinators. Tiger will share with us how to think about booleans in terms of lambda calculus. He will also shed light on Turing completeness, where we'll learn how all the combinators we've talked about can be interpreted by computers.