Shopify / dashing

The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
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Can dashing change style (e.g. background-color) depending of the job's value? #24

Closed dkapanidis closed 12 years ago

dkapanidis commented 12 years ago

A simple use case of this would be to make a box color greenish when good values are given, and redish when bad values are given, giving a visual alert of things to notice.

It would be good to see a generic solution for existing widgets, or explain how a new widget could be implemented to do that.

davefp commented 12 years ago

If you look in the coffee file for a widget you'll see the code that gets called whenever new data comes in. From that function changing the background colour of the widget is a few simple lines of js. On Nov 12, 2012 9:52 AM, "spiddy" wrote:

A simple use case of this would be to make a box color greenish when good values are given, and redish when bad values are given, giving a visual alert of things to notice.

It would be good to see a generic solution for existing widgets, or explain how a new widget could be implemented to do that.

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aidansteele commented 12 years ago

I hate to be a pest, but could you perhaps provide an example of such code, @davefp ? It would be very much appreciated. :)

mattcl commented 12 years ago
onData: (data) ->
  if data.something
     $(@node).css('background-color', '#fff')
crcastle commented 12 years ago

Also try adding the class 'status-danger' or 'status-warning' to the widget. It makes the panel pulsate yellow or red.

dieterdemeyer commented 11 years ago

I seem to be struggling a bit with this... The classes status-danger and status-warning actually don't pulsate... But my biggest problem is setting the class for a widget to this status from a certain outcome in de scheduler job...

Any help with this would be much appreciated..

crcastle commented 11 years ago

This is a snippet from the ruby job that sends the status to the widget. It is used to monitor the depth of a queue. If it gets above 3 then I get worried. If it gets above 9 then something's very wrong. This sends an event to any widgets listening for (i.e. with data-id equal to) report-queue events. Note that 'danger' and 'warning' are flipped because that's how the CSS came in the dashing library and I was too lazy to fix it.

# set status based on queue depth
status = case current_queue_depth
  when 0..3 then 'ok'
  when 4..9 then 'danger'
  else 'warning'
send_event('report-queue', { current: current_depth, status: status })

I'm changing the background of a Number widget, so in the widget I have this function to set the class to status-warning, status-danger, or status-ok:

onData: (data) ->
  if data.status
    # clear existing "status-*" classes
      $(@get('node')).attr 'class', (i,c) ->
        c.replace /\bstatus-\S+/g, ''
      # add new class
      $(@get('node')).addClass "status-#{data.status}"
dieterdemeyer commented 11 years ago

@crcastle Thanks for your reply.... I had some problems resetting the status and knew that clearing the status classes would help but didn't know how to.. Your code did the trick..

dieterdemeyer commented 11 years ago

@crcastle Are you having some issues with the animation for the status classes ? This doesn't seem to work...

crcastle commented 11 years ago

hmmm.... what browser are you using? i've only tested in chrome.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Dieter De Meyer notifications@github.comwrote:

@crcastle Are you having some issues with the animation for the status classes ? This doesn't seem to work...

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dieterdemeyer commented 11 years ago

I'm using Firefox 10.05 on CentOS 6.3.

dieterdemeyer commented 11 years ago

I can confirm that the animations on Chrome work, but not on Firefox...

davefp commented 11 years ago

Look at the animation styles set in application.scss as well as the compiled styles. I have a hunch that there's something in there that FF is puking on.

cyl-moz commented 11 years ago

My guess is that application.scss is not generating the framesets needed for -moz-animation or -ms-animation.

(Caveat emptor, as I'm not terribly web-development oriented!) I was able to get things working by deleting the @-webkit-keyframes status-warning-background and @-webkit-keyframes status-danger-background definitions, then adding the following:

@mixin keyframes($name) {
  @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} {
  @-moz-keyframes #{$name} {
  @-ms-keyframes #{$name} {
  @keyframes #{$name} {

@include keyframes(status-warning-background) {
  0%   { background-color: $background-warning-color-1; }
  50%  { background-color: $background-warning-color-2; }
  100% { background-color: $background-warning-color-1; }

@include keyframes(status-danger-background) {
  0%   { background-color: $background-danger-color-1; }
  50%  { background-color: $background-danger-color-2; }
  100% { background-color: $background-danger-color-1; }

As a trivial test, it works in FF19.0.2 and Chrome 25.0.1364.172 (both running on MacOSX).

jbogarin commented 10 years ago

As far as I can see, this change hasn't been included in the master branch. Is it possible to do it?

I can confirm that the change actually works.

derwin12 commented 10 years ago

Some widgets do it..check the number widget for example. From: jbogarinSent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:07 PMTo: Shopify/dashingReply To: Shopify/dashingSubject: Re: [dashing] Can dashing change style (e.g. background-color) depending of the job's value? (#24)As far as I can see, this change hasn't been included in the master branch. Is it possible to do it?

I can confirm that the change actually works.

—Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

jbogarin commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I know. What I'm talking about is that animations don't work in Firefox, but they do if you put the changes that cyl-moz described above.

mbainter commented 10 years ago

Agreed - works for me as well. The diff I have looks like this:

--- application.scss.orig   2014-07-11 13:35:58.551965551 -0400
+++ application.scss    2014-07-11 13:36:02.010226539 -0400
@@ -16,16 +16,33 @@
 $background-danger-color-2: #ff9618;
 $text-danger-color: #fff;

-@-webkit-keyframes status-warning-background {
+@mixin keyframes($name) {
+  @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} {
+    @content;
+  }
+  @-moz-keyframes #{$name} {
+    @content;
+  }
+  @-ms-keyframes #{$name} {
+    @content;
+  }
+  @keyframes #{$name} {
+    @content;
+  }
+@include keyframes(status-warning-background) {
   0%   { background-color: $background-warning-color-1; }
   50%  { background-color: $background-warning-color-2; }
   100% { background-color: $background-warning-color-1; }
-@-webkit-keyframes status-danger-background {
+@include keyframes(status-danger-background) {
   0%   { background-color: $background-danger-color-1; }
   50%  { background-color: $background-danger-color-2; }
   100% { background-color: $background-danger-color-1; }
 @mixin animation($animation-name, $duration, $function, $animation-iteration-count:""){
   -webkit-animation:  $animation-name $duration $function #{$animation-iteration-count};
   -moz-animation:     $animation-name $duration $function #{$animation-iteration-count};
odrino14 commented 7 years ago

how can i use this for dashing-icinga2 ? i want that my kachel-color for blue to red change when the count of critical is 1 or more did someone have any idear ?