Shopify / dashing

The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
MIT License
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Not saving history with dashing start -d #244

Open sujaymansingh opened 10 years ago

sujaymansingh commented 10 years ago

After my initial confusion about ruby version numbers (!) I managed to get dashing running. I am using dashing 1.3.1

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ bundle show dashing

I am trying to get dashing to save its history to a file.

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ cat
require 'dashing'

configure do
  set :auth_token, 'test'
  set :history_file, '/opt/dashboard_data/history.yml'

  helpers do
    def protected!
     # Put any authentication code you want in here.
     # This method is run before accessing any resource.

map Sinatra::Application.assets_prefix do
  run Sinatra::Application.sprockets

run Sinatra::Application

Now let me clear the history file, just to be sure.

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ echo "" > /opt/dashboard_data/history.yml

Running as a foreground app seems to save the history fine (I ran curl -i -d '{"auth_token": "test", "current": 1}' in a different shell.)

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing start
Thin web server (v1.6.0 codename Greek Yogurt)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
For the twitter widget to work, you need to put in your twitter API keys in the jobs/twitter.rb file. - - [09/Oct/2013 09:31:43] "POST /widgets/Something HTTP/1.0" 204 - 0.0020
^CStopping ... - - [09/Oct/2013 09:31:47] "GET /events HTTP/1.1" 200 - 28.2614 - - [09/Oct/2013 09:31:47] "GET /events HTTP/1.1" 200 - 28.2606
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ cat /opt/dashboard_data/history.yml

buzzwords: ! 'data: {"items":[{"label":"Turn-key","value":4},{"label":"Paradigm shift","value":1},{"label":"Enterprise","value":3},{"label":"Leverage","value":2},{"label":"Exit
  strategy","value":1},{"label":"Web 2.0","value":2},{"label":"Pivoting","value":1},{"label":"Synergy","value":1}],"id":"buzzwords","updatedAt":1381311107}

convergence: ! 'data: {"points":[{"x":16,"y":5},{"x":17,"y":48},{"x":18,"y":42},{"x":19,"y":20},{"x":20,"y":21},{"x":21,"y":24},{"x":22,"y":12},{"x":23,"y":9},{"x":24,"y":36},{"x":25,"y":46}],"id":"convergence","updatedAt":1381311107}

valuation: ! 'data: {"current":35,"last":97,"id":"valuation","updatedAt":1381311107}

karma: ! 'data: {"current":49616,"last":143060,"id":"karma","updatedAt":1381311107}

synergy: ! 'data: {"value":41,"id":"synergy","updatedAt":1381311107}

Something: ! 'data: {"current":1,"id":"Something","updatedAt":1381311103}


As we can see, Something has been added.

But, if I run it as a daemon, I get no love :( (Again running curl -i -d '{"auth_token": "test", "current": 2}' in a different shell.)

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ echo "" > /opt/dashboard_data/history.yml
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing start -d
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing stop
Sending QUIT signal to process 11231 ...
Waiting for 4 connection(s) to finish, can take up to 30 sec, CTRL+C to stop now
Sending KILL signal to process 11231 ...
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ cat /opt/dashboard_data/history.yml

What could the issue be here? I really don't know much (anything) about ruby, bundle or sinatra.

Is running dashing as a daemon not recommended?

Does -d run as a different user and thus cause crazy permissions issues? (Though even then it should work. I have my dashboard_data dir pretty much open to anything.

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ ls -l /opt/dashboard_data/
total 4
-rwxrwxrwx 1 bigboard root 1 Oct  9 09:32 history.yml
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ ls -l /opt | grep dashboard_data
drwxrwxrwx 2 bigboard root    4096 Oct  9 08:52 dashboard_data


sujaymansingh commented 10 years ago

If it helps, it seems that if I don't have any dashboards open in a browser, then it is able to shutdown properly.

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing start -d
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing stop
Sending QUIT signal to process 2155 ...

But if I do have dashboards open, it can't shutdown.

vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing start -d
vagrant@bigboard:/opt/bigboard/dashboard$ dashing stop
Sending QUIT signal to process 2188 ...
Waiting for 3 connection(s) to finish, can take up to 30 sec, CTRL+C to stop now
Sending KILL signal to process 2188 ...
sujaymansingh commented 10 years ago

Actually, just doing some more testing, it looks like even if I get dashing to save its data on exit, it's pointless because dashing doesn't read from the history file on start up anyway. At this point it looks like dashing doesn't support persistence of data. Is there a plan to add this feature later? I think what might be best is for me to write my own little wrapper around it that accepts data, saves it to a file and then pushes it to dashing. (And periodically it can send all data to dashing. Unfortunately this looks like I'll lose the updated_at values, but there is not much I can do at this point.)

ericraio commented 9 years ago

:+1: would really like to persist the results