Shopify / ejson

EJSON is a small library to manage encrypted secrets using asymmetric encryption.
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ci: update goreleaser to v1.18.1 to release assets for darwin/arm64 #130

Closed suzuki-shunsuke closed 1 year ago

suzuki-shunsuke commented 1 year ago

goreleaser was old (v1.2.1) so it failed to release an asset for darwin/arm64

         • DEPRECATED: skipped darwin/arm64 build on Go < 1.16 for compatibility, check for more info.

To fix the issue, I update goreleaser to the latest version v1.18.1. Then I've confirmed the issue has been solved.

$ goreleaser --version
  ____       ____      _
 / ___| ___ |  _ \ ___| | ___  __ _ ___  ___ _ __
| |  _ / _ \| |_) / _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \ '__|
| |_| | (_) |  _ <  __/ |  __/ (_| \__ \  __/ |
 \____|\___/|_| \_\___|_|\___|\__,_|___/\___|_|
goreleaser: Deliver Go Binaries as fast and easily as possible

GitVersion:    1.18.1
GitCommit:     aaa9da33d5e72a0db4c1c815dc746249b78266d2
GitTreeState:  false
BuildDate:     2023-05-05T04:26:12Z
BuiltBy:       goreleaser
GoVersion:     go1.20.4
Compiler:      gc
ModuleSum:     h1:QEpUnMFhSgtqaJbmy9/++KbFNBlITYVIiVYVcz0XaDo=
Platform:      darwin/arm64

$ goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
  • starting release...
  • loading config file                              file=.goreleaser.yaml
  • loading environment variables
  • getting and validating git state
    • building...                                    commit=30ca14f25cc3af7aadf4300028977aa9a018b34a latest tag=v1.4.0
    • pipe skipped                                   reason=disabled during snapshot mode
  • parsing tag
  • setting defaults
  • snapshotting
    • building snapshot...                           version=1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f
  • checking distribution directory
    • cleaning dist
  • loading go mod information
  • build prerequisites
  • writing effective config file
    • writing                                        config=dist/config.yaml
  • building binaries
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_windows_386/ejson.exe
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_windows_amd64_v1/ejson.exe
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_linux_386/ejson
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_darwin_arm64/ejson
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_linux_arm64/ejson
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_darwin_amd64_v1/ejson
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_windows_arm64/ejson.exe
    • building                                       binary=dist/ejson_linux_amd64_v1/ejson
    • took: 1s
  • archives
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_windows_amd64.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_windows_arm64.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_linux_386.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_linux_arm64.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_windows_386.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
    • creating                                       archive=dist/ejson_1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-30ca14f_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
    • took: 1s
  • calculating checksums
  • storing release metadata
    • writing                                        file=dist/artifacts.json
    • writing                                        file=dist/metadata.json
  • release succeeded after 2s
  • thanks for using goreleaser!

The warning was disappeared and an asset for darwin_arm64 was built successfully.

suzuki-shunsuke commented 1 year ago

@bruke I'm sorry to bother you. Would you take a look when you have time?