Shopify / hydrogen

Hydrogen lets you build faster headless storefronts in less time, on Shopify.
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Add CLI command reference description of `--quickstart` equivalent, expose `--routes` flag #2018

Closed gfscott closed 4 weeks ago

gfscott commented 4 weeks ago

With the move to the new Shopify CLI reference we need to make a few updates to the Hydrogen command writeups. This needs to be done at the source so that future runs of the reference-generation script behave properly.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

We detected some changes in packages/*/package.json or packages/*/src, and there are no updates in the .changeset. If the changes are user-facing and should cause a version bump, run npm run changeset add to track your changes and include them in the next release CHANGELOG. If you are making simple updates to examples or documentation, you do not need to add a changeset.

gfscott commented 4 weeks ago

So it is! Closing this, carry on 😵‍💫