Shopify / hydrogen

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[POC][WIP] Hydrogen eslint plugin #726

Closed cartogram closed 5 months ago

cartogram commented 1 year ago

Hydrogen ESLint Plugin Proposal


This RFC exists to propose a new ESLint setup for Hydrogen, both as a solution to our monorepo used in development and also for users building Hydrogen storefronts.


In version 1 of hydrogen we had an eslint-plugin package that served to provide the following:

1. Common Configurations

These level-set on common ESLint rules to enforce Shopify’s JavaScript best practices, and catch common issues when using Hydrogen. We maintain these so merchants don't need to worry about the undifferentiated setup common to every Hydrogen app. ESLint is a the standard tool for JavaScript and TypeScript, and providing either a base config or plugin is common among almost every other (meta-)framework.

We provide 3 possible configurations:

  extends: 'plugin:hydrogen/recommended',

The Hydrogen configuration excludes suggested third-party plugins, but keeps the custom Hydrogen rules with their suggested defaults.

  extends: 'plugin:hydrogen/hydrogen',

The TypeScript configuration is a partial set of overrides to augment the recommended or Hydrogen configurations.

  extends: ['plugin:hydrogen/recommended', 'plugin:hydrogen/typescript'],

2. Custom Rules

We also provided a set of custom rules that only made sense in projects using Hydrogen v1.


This proposal recommends the configurations and custom rules will move into the new H2 repo as a new eslint-plugin package. The details of this migration are outlined below.

New configurations

New rules

Detailed design

Tech stack

The tech stack of the new plugin will be consistent with all hydrogen packages, written in typescript and tested with vitest.

How to write rules

Rules are structured as follows:

Rules should auto-fix when possible and contain clear/ consistent messaging that directs users on where they can learn more.

Incremental adoption

Rather than publish this new package overtop of the old library on NPM, I suggest we release it as eslint-plugin-h2. Overtime we can deprecate, remove and overwrite eslint-plugin-hydrogen when we are confident with the developer experience.

Future proof

Rules are easy to write and maintain and we will be constantly evolving this library as Remix and other Hydrogen dependents change.

Alternate ideas

Do nothing

We've haven't received negetive feedback about ESLint, nor have we been burdened by the fact the old eslint-plugin is in the old Hydrogen v1 repo and not easily patchable. So why do anything and why do it now?

  1. Reduce risk: Though we haven't received any problems with the library, it presents a huge risk for future toil. We have an opportunity to be reactive here without much upfront cost.
  2. Capitalize on DX: ESLint is widely used and built into every IDE in someway. Let's use this to create custom rules that guide merchant developers into the pit of success.
  3. External integrations: Given more predictability in the ESLint setup of Hydrogen storefronts we can more easily interact with the code via CLI, the admin channel and whatever else comes in the future.
  4. Refactor monorepo setup: Doing nothing also leaves us in a cobbled-together setup for ESLint. This proposal takes the monorepo into account, moving it to a more maintainable configuration.
wizardlyhel commented 1 year ago

I am in favour of setting up eslint plugin.

Thoughts on the new rules:

frehner commented 1 year ago

For context, there have been a couple of discussions I've had in discord about the prefer-image-component eslint rule (which also implies that there are a couple of devs out there actually using our eslint rules 🙂 ).

I'm not sure it makes sense to enforce using the <Image/> component in v2; while it's nice that the <Image/> component can be hooked up to load images from other places, it's not its primary purpose and it's a tiny bit painful to do so (at least, that was my understanding! I could be wrong here).

I think it's plenty valid for devs to use a normal <img> tag for images that are from the local file system or things like that.

We will export multiple configurations to enable this package to be used for both storefront developers and contributors. These configurations will be divided into the following domains: storefront: ... workspace: ... cli: ... library: ...

Do you have examples of the rules for each? In looking at the New Rules section, it seems like everything (for now?) would go into storefront, right?

wizardlyhel commented 1 year ago

Oh! @frehner you have a good point about the image rule. It would become an annoyance to the developer they they just want to have an image with <img> tag. For example, using <img> for tracking pixel or use it to show a base64 image source.

But I think the rule would be fine if it is just an enforcement of our own components like .. <CartProvider> vs <CartProviderV2>

lordofthecactus commented 1 year ago

👍 I'm positive about having an eslint plugin and finding rules we can add to

On publishing:

Rather than publish this new package overtop of the old library on NPM, I suggest we release it as eslint-plugin-h2. Overtime we can deprecate, remove and overwrite eslint-plugin-hydrogen when we are confident with the developer experience.

We can't remove or overwrite eslint-plugin-hydrogen package unfortunately, although we can mark the releases as deprecated if we wanted.

I would keep eslint-plugin-h2 (or eslint-plugin-hydrogen-remix) and just keep whichever you choose.

Let me know if there is a particular feedback you are looking for.

On the rules, agree with the comments from @wizardlyhel and @frehner, maybe we could dogfood eslint rules within our repo, and slowly release as we find they are useful?

cartogram commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure it makes sense to enforce using the component in v2; while it's nice that the component can be hooked up to load images from other places, it's not its primary purpose and it's a tiny bit painful to do so (at least, that was my understanding! I could be wrong here)

Yeah, I too understand the frustration with this rule and would like to improve upon that. In this case, it looks to me like the better solution would be to make the Image component easier to work with in all cases? @wizardlyhel think the tracking pixel is a random exception, so they would probably disable the rule for that one.

Do you have examples of the rules for each? In looking at the New Rules section, it seems like everything (for now?) would go into storefront, right?

Yeah that's right @frehner! Internally Internally we might break the remix-specific ones to a separate config, but for users this would all get bundled up into storefront. I don't see us writing custom rules for our development purposes too often. The CLI team does that for the CLI, however.

route-module-export-order - This one is a code of conduct that we Hydrogen team set for ourselves. Does it make sense to also ask developers do the same? Should we default it to off for those extending our eslint plugin?

I just added a quick stab at this rule and it caught 5 violations in the demo-store. I think we can default to off or warn, but enable it in our templates. If a user finds it too strict they can disable it from there quite easily.

Should eslint enforce error boundary be defined on every route?

Good question. In this case I was going off the of the template reccomendations. As I think about it more, we could say that if there is a loader or action defined, then we enforce an error boundary. @wizardlyhel what do you think?

cartogram commented 1 year ago

@lordofthecactus your comment came in just as I was responding to the others.

I'm positive about having an eslint plugin and finding rules we can add to


I would keep eslint-plugin-h2 (or eslint-plugin-hydrogen-remix) and just keep whichever you choose.

I am for the shorter option, but open to what others think. Do you have a pref?

Let me know if there is a particular feedback you are looking for.

I think the main things for reviewers is to read the proposal, but addtionally:

Optionally if you would like to help get this over the line, let me know (not mandatory). You can also run this POC to see the effects running eslint has across the packages/templates if that makes it easier to follow.

cartogram commented 1 year ago

I updated the list of rules to include a few provided by @juanpprieto IRL.

enforce-server-only - checks if imported functions are only called inside loaders or actions, and if so recommend the module to be re-named with .server. prevent-returning-private-env-vars - This could check that loaders don't return PRIVATE_ prefixed env variables, to avoid exposing secrets.

cartogram commented 1 year ago

Do you have examples of the rules for each?

@frehner Yeah, I'm still working through this, but you can see the different configs (and how they relate/extend from one another) in the changed files area in the packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs directory. Would love feedback on this aspect if you get a chance to take a look. I think I want to delineate the ones that are exposed (storefront, cli...) vs the ones that are shared (core, react...).

cartogram commented 1 year ago

I am considering adding an oxygen specific config and ruleset. The first rule would be:

maxshirshin commented 1 year ago

I am considering adding an oxygen specific config and ruleset. The first rule would be:

  • oxygen/no-unsupported-features

That's a great idea (and something we really need, as we aren't enforcing this in any other way otherwise). Should we probably call it oxygen/api-compatibility or smth similar, so that we don't focus on unsupported features but rather on anything that might be an issue in the future if we change the platform?

This would include the use of HTMLRewriter and WebSockets for now, which we didn't list on our docs as supported, but people still may try them because they exist in the CF runtime. I'm also sure we'll find a couple of platform-specific methods or properties on common classes that we'd like to warn about if they're used.

michenly commented 5 months ago

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