Shopify / js-buy-sdk

The JS Buy SDK is a lightweight library that allows you to build ecommerce into any website. It is based on Shopify's API and provides the ability to retrieve products and collections from your shop, add products to a cart, and checkout.
MIT License
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Several fields on the Storefront API were marked as deprecated #932

Open ellenventu opened 1 year ago

ellenventu commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm using this module in my shopify store and i have created a private app.

Shopify warned me that the private app is deprecated and sent me emails with these specifics: "One or more of your custom apps have made deprecated API calls" "Several fields on the Storefront API were marked as deprecated"

How do I find out what the fields are? The fields are not indicated.

Could it be related to me using the app with this form?


skirillovsgit commented 1 year ago

You can track deprecated calls here: https://<your-shop>/admin/api/<api-version>/deprecated_api_calls.json

pgib commented 1 year ago

Is there any reason this would yield a 404?

export store=<dev-store>
export access_key=<key>

curl -X GET "https://${store}/admin/api/2023-01/deprecated_api_calls.json" \
-H "X-Shopify-Access-Token: ${access_token}"


{"errors":"Not found"}

curl command from Shopify documentation

skirillovsgit commented 1 year ago

Hi @pgib Make sure that you are using the correct credentials and store name. Your API password does not equal the access token. Link to docs.