Fixes #523 (known schema not raising errors when incompatible with k8s resource definitions)
Type of change
[x] Bug fix :bug:
[ ] New feature :sparkles:
[ ] This change requires a documentation update :book:
[ ] Breaking changes :warning:
How Has This Been Tested?
Tested using the example provided in #523. Prior to this change there was no error; now, known resources (e.g. Deployments) raise an error when the unmarshaling goes wrong (like unquoted labels) and clearly shows that there is a misconfiguration in the manifest.
Fixes #523 (known schema not raising errors when incompatible with k8s resource definitions)
Type of change
How Has This Been Tested?
Tested using the example provided in #523. Prior to this change there was no error; now, known resources (e.g. Deployments) raise an error when the unmarshaling goes wrong (like unquoted labels) and clearly shows that there is a misconfiguration in the manifest.