Shopify / lighthouse-ci-action

MIT License
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Action running for hours without result #67

Open eerohakio opened 1 year ago

eerohakio commented 1 year ago

Just installed lighthouse-ci-action to my shopify theme repo. Issue is that action runs without completing as long as it goes to timeout(6h). Theres no output logs or anything that could tell theres some issue.

If the action cannot run it should be halted and not just wait for result that it doesnt get, took me a while to figure out there was actions running for hours and hours eating tons of build minutes from actions.

Here is log from cancelled job:

    store: ***
    password: ***
    access_token: ***
    lhci_github_app_token: ***
    lhci_min_score_performance: 0.9
    lhci_min_score_accessibility: 0.9
    theme_root: .
/usr/bin/docker run --name ed866e000a6a5b3c7f49c99189b4c859934e53_6[2]( --label ed866e --workdir /github/workspace --rm -e "INPUT_STORE" -e "INPUT_PASSWORD" -e "INPUT_ACCESS_TOKEN" -e "INPUT_LHCI_GITHUB_APP_TOKEN" -e "INPUT_LHCI_MIN_SCORE_PERFORMANCE" -e "INPUT_LHCI_MIN_SCORE_ACCESSIBILITY" -e "INPUT_PRODUCT_HANDLE" -e "INPUT_COLLECTION_HANDLE" -e "INPUT_THEME_ROOT" -e "INPUT_PULL_THEME" -e "INPUT_LHCI_GITHUB_TOKEN" -e "INPUT_APP_ID" -e "INPUT_APP_PASSWORD" -e "HOME" -e "GITHUB_JOB" -e "GITHUB_REF" -e "GITHUB_SHA" -e "GITHUB_REPOSITORY" -e "GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER" -e "GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER_ID" -e "GITHUB_RUN_ID" -e "GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER" -e "GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS" -e "GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT" -e "GITHUB_REPOSITORY_ID" -e "GITHUB_ACTOR_ID" -e "GITHUB_ACTOR" -e "GITHUB_TRIGGERING_ACTOR" -e "GITHUB_WORKFLOW" -e "GITHUB_HEAD_REF" -e "GITHUB_BASE_REF" -e "GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" -e "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" -e "GITHUB_API_URL" -e "GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL" -e "GITHUB_REF_NAME" -e "GITHUB_REF_PROTECTED" -e "GITHUB_REF_TYPE" -e "GITHUB_WORKFLOW_REF" -e "GITHUB_WORKFLOW_SHA" -e "GITHUB_WORKSPACE" -e "GITHUB_ACTION" -e "GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" -e "GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY" -e "GITHUB_ACTION_REF" -e "GITHUB_PATH" -e "GITHUB_ENV" -e "GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY" -e "GITHUB_STATE" -e "GITHUB_OUTPUT" -e "RUNNER_OS" -e "RUNNER_ARCH" -e "RUNNER_NAME" -e "RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE" -e "RUNNER_TEMP" -e "RUNNER_WORKSPACE" -e "ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL" -e "ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN" -e "ACTIONS_CACHE_URL" -e GITHUB_ACTIONS=true -e CI=true -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_home":"/github/home" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow":"/github/workflow" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands":"/github/file_commands" -v "/home/runner/work/xxxyyyzzz":"/github/workspace" ed866e:000a6a5b[3]([4]([5](
Configuring shopify CLI
Will run Lighthouse CI on https://***
Creating development theme
Your environment Ruby version, 2.[7](, is outside of the range supported by the CLI, 2.7.5..<3.2.0, and might cause incompatibility issues.
Error: The operation was canceled.```
slavamak commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem. I solved it when I set the full url of store for the store argument as noted here

ex not just my-store