Shopify / mobile-buy-sdk-android

Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app. With a few lines of code, you can connect your app with the Shopify platform and let your users buy your products using their credit card.
MIT License
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invalid global id #667

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I can fetch first 10 products but when I use the same ID of any product to fetch details of that specific product, it throws an error of invalid global id I have made sure that product is available on app sales channel. I have tried all these options individually but got same response

Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0LzQ1NzI0MTExMzQwMjM= gid://shopify/Product/4572411134023 4572411134023


Storefront.QueryRootQuery query = Storefront.query(rootQuery -> rootQuery .node(new ID("4572411134023"), nodeQuery -> nodeQuery .onProduct(productQuery -> productQuery .title() .description() .images(arg -> arg.first(10), imageConnectionQuery -> imageConnectionQuery .edges(imageEdgeQuery -> imageEdgeQuery .node(imageQuery -> imageQuery .src() ) ) ) .variants(arg -> arg.first(10), variantConnectionQuery -> variantConnectionQuery .edges(variantEdgeQuery -> variantEdgeQuery .node(productVariantQuery -> productVariantQuery .price() .title() .available() ) ) ) ) ) );

    client.queryGraph(query).enqueue(new GraphCall.Callback<Storefront.QueryRoot>() {

        @Override public void onResponse(@NonNull GraphResponse<Storefront.QueryRoot> response) {
            Log.e("TAG", "PRO"+ response.formatErrorMessage());
            Storefront.Product product = (Storefront.Product);
            List<Storefront.Image> productImages = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final Storefront.ImageEdge imageEdge : product.getImages().getEdges()) {
            List<Storefront.ProductVariant> productVariants = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final Storefront.ProductVariantEdge productVariantEdge : product.getVariants().getEdges()) {

            Log.e("TAG", "PRO"+ productImages.get(0).getTransformedSrc());

        public void onFailure(@NonNull GraphError error) {


vixdug commented 4 years ago

Can you attempt the GraphQL query in an API client such as Postman / Insomnia? The corresponding query is in the readme here:

This will help you determine if the issue is in your code or the product. You will want to use the Storefront API ID ex. Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0LzQ1NzI0MTExMzQwMjM=