Shopify / mobile-buy-sdk-android

Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app. With a few lines of code, you can connect your app with the Shopify platform and let your users buy your products using their credit card.
MIT License
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Need to query products of a collection based on a string term #680

Open harsha-main opened 3 years ago

harsha-main commented 3 years ago

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harsha-main commented 3 years ago

I have looked at how you can search for collection based on a string term, but for the products, I don't find the query method. Here's the code that I should ideally be able to use.. if there's a query method for the args argument of the products method.

` Storefront.QueryRootQuery query1 = Storefront.query(rootQuery -> rootQuery

            .shop(shopQuery -> shopQuery
                    .collections(arg -> arg.first(10) , collectionConnectionQuery -> collectionConnectionQuery
                            .edges(collectionEdgeQuery -> collectionEdgeQuery
                                    .node(collectionQuery -> collectionQuery
                                            .title().description()  //Next line
                                            .products(arg -> arg.first(80).query("term"), productConnectionQuery -> productConnectionQuery
                                                    .edges(productEdgeQuery -> productEdgeQuery
                                                            .node(productQuery -> productQuery

I used the following dependency along with Joda time and Timber to get the SDK imported into my app implementation "com.shopify.mobilebuysdk:buy3:3.2.3"