Shopify / mobile-buy-sdk-ios

Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app. With a few lines of code, you can connect your app with the Shopify platform and let your users buy your products using Apple Pay or their credit card.
MIT License
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Checkout failed: The amount of the payment must match the total #1021

Closed zackshapiro closed 5 years ago

zackshapiro commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to get ApplePay checkout working and when I go to finish the transaction, I get this error:

"message": Amount The amount of the payment must match the total of 63.25.

This is the PayCheckout I'm sending into the mutation

    id: "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9DaGVja291dC8xZTIwNjZlODBkOGM3OWMzMTBiYzk1NTZmMTA1MDIzNz9rZXk9N2M5Y2Q3N2M2OTA0MWNiZDY1N2E0YjA2MWI2ODE4Yzc=",
    hasLineItems: true,
    needsShipping: true,
    giftCards: nil,
    discount: nil,
    shippingDiscount: nil,
    lineItems: [MobileBuySDK.PayLineItem(price: 55, quantity: 1), // paint
                MobileBuySDK.PayLineItem(price: 8.25, quantity: 1), // shipping
                MobileBuySDK.PayLineItem(price: 3.9875, quantity: 1)], // tax
    shippingAddress: Optional(MobileBuySDK.PayAddress(addressLine1: Optional("320 Main St "),
                                                      addressLine2: Optional("Apt 1"), city: Optional("Brooklyn"), country: Optional("United States"), province: Optional("New York"), zip: Optional("11217"), firstName: Optional("Zack"), lastName: Optional("Shapiro"), phone: Optional("4435555502"), email: nil)),
    shippingRate: Optional(MobileBuySDK.PayShippingRate(handle: "usps-Priority-8.25", title: "usps-Priority-8.25", price: 8.25, deliveryRange: nil)),
    currencyCode: "USD",
    subtotalPrice: 55,
    totalTax: 3.9875,
    paymentDue: 67.2375 // this value is right

In my completeCheckout function, I call mutationForCompleteCheckoutUsingApplePay

    func completeCheckout(_ checkout: PayCheckout, billingAddress: PayAddress, applePayToken token: String, idempotencyToken: String, completion: @escaping (Storefront.Payment?) -> Void) {
        let mutation = ClientQuery.mutationForCompleteCheckoutUsingApplePay(checkout, billingAddress: billingAddress, token: token, idempotencyToken: idempotencyToken)

Which calls

static func mutationForCompleteCheckoutUsingApplePay(_ checkout: PayCheckout, billingAddress: PayAddress, token: String, idempotencyToken: String) -> Storefront.MutationQuery {
        let mailingAddress = Storefront.MailingAddressInput.create(
            address1:  billingAddress.addressLine1.orNull,
            address2:  billingAddress.addressLine2.orNull,
            firstName: billingAddress.firstName.orNull,
            lastName:  billingAddress.lastName.orNull,
            province:  billingAddress.province.orNull,

        print("paymentDue is", checkout.paymentDue) // *This value is correctly 67.2375*

        let currencyCode  = Storefront.CurrencyCode(rawValue: checkout.currencyCode)!
        let paymentAmount = Storefront.MoneyInput(amount: checkout.paymentDue, currencyCode: currencyCode)
        let paymentInput  = Storefront.TokenizedPaymentInputV2.create(
            paymentAmount:  paymentAmount,
            idempotencyKey: idempotencyToken,
            billingAddress: mailingAddress,
            type:           "apple_pay",
            paymentData:    token

        return Storefront.buildMutation { $0
            .checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2(checkoutId: GraphQL.ID(rawValue:, payment: paymentInput) { $0
                .checkoutUserErrors { $0
                .payment { $0

And yet I get this error and have no idea why. Maybe the error is a red herring to something else?

I'm on a deadline and super stressed this isn't working. Would love some help. Thanks!

zackshapiro commented 5 years ago

@dbart01 I'd love your help on this, I'm not sure if this is also an error from the server-side but I can't find locally where this is happening

zackshapiro commented 5 years ago

Could this have to do with TestMode being enabled?

zackshapiro commented 5 years ago

Got my answer in