Shopify / mobile-buy-sdk-ios

Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app. With a few lines of code, you can connect your app with the Shopify platform and let your users buy your products using Apple Pay or their credit card.
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Getting Product Metafield and Usage of [HasMetafieldsIdentifier!]! #1196

Closed ashleydee1999 closed 1 year ago

ashleydee1999 commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to get my product metafields using the following code:

func fragmentForStandardProduct() -> Storefront.ProductConnectionQuery { return self
        .pageInfo { $0
        .edges { $0
            .node { $0
                .variants(first: 250) { $0
                .images(first: 250){  $0
                .metafield(namespace: "custom", key: "myKey") { $0 // Attemping to use this method
                    .value(alias: "myAlias")

Creating my Product Object

final class ProductViewModel: ProductModel {

    typealias ModelType = Storefront.ProductEdge

    let model:    ModelType
    let cursor:   String

    let id:       String
    let title:    String
    let handle:   String
    let summary:  String
    let unformattedSummary:  String
    let price:    String
    let images:   PageableArray<ImageViewModel>
    let variants: PageableArray<VarientViewModel>
    let metaField1: String

    // ----------------------------------
    //  MARK: - Init -
    required init(from model: ModelType) {
        self.model    = model
        self.cursor   = model.cursor

        let variants = model.node.variants.edges.viewModels.sorted {
            $0.price < $1.price

        let lowestPrice = variants.first?.price       =
        self.title    = model.node.title
            .replacingOccurrences(of: "-", with: " ")
        self.handle   = model.node.handle
        self.summary  = model.node.descriptionHtml
        self.unformattedSummary  = model.node.description
        self.price    = lowestPrice == nil ? "No price" : Currency.stringFrom(lowestPrice!)

        self.images   = PageableArray(
            with:     model.node.images.edges,
            pageInfo: model.node.images.pageInfo

        self.variants = PageableArray(
            with:     model.node.variants.edges,
            pageInfo: model.node.variants.pageInfo
        self.metaField1 = model.node.aliasedMetafield(alias: "myAlias")?.value ?? "" // Attemping to get that metafield I assigned an alias. I tried assign the key as the alias, however it didn't work

Error Message from xcode

Buy/GraphQL.swift:193: Fatal error: field metafield__myAlias wasn't queried
2023-02-05 22:35:40.172892+0200 travSIM[48928:4746891] Buy/GraphQL.swift:193: Fatal error: field metafield__myAlias wasn't queried

Working GraphQL query

query nodes($ids: [ID!]!) {
  nodes(ids: $ids) {
    ... on Collection {
      products(first: 50) {
        edges {
          node {
            metafield(namespace: "custom", key: "myKey") {

I'm learning from the documentation that there's a more efficient manner of getting all my metafields through the use of [HasMetafieldsIdentifier!]!, unfortunetly I'm failing to find a way of using it.

Any guidance would be apprecited, thanx!