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Access to listener_names within before_service_worker_ready #139

Open ollym opened 1 month ago

ollym commented 1 month ago

We're trying to setup a monitoring service within before_service_worker_ready however when we try and Pitchfork.listener_names from within this block we get an error. How do you advise we can do this?

casperisfine commented 1 month ago

Yes, the service worker has the listeners closed, so that it doesn't appear as listening:

You didn't give any detail on what solution you are using for monitoring. Is it Raindrops or something else?

For us it isn't too much of a problem because we receive the listeners as environment, so it's not really duplication.

Right now you can work around this via:

      listener_names = nil

      after_mold_fork do |_, _|
        listener_names = Pitchfork.listener_names

      before_service_worker_ready do |server, service|
        $stderr.puts listener_names

It's a bit hacky, but I just tested it, it works.

I guess Pitchfork could be changed to record Pitchfork.listener_names before closing it so it remain accessible for the service worker, so you wouldn't need such a workaround.

ollym commented 1 month ago

Hi yea we're using Raindrops, for now we simplified it by hard coding the bind address and stopped relying on Pitchfork.listener_names entirely.

How are you monitoring pitchfork? We're using yabeda + prometheus and our collection script now looks a bit like this:

pitchfork.workers.set({}, Pitchfork::Info.workers_count)
pitchfork.live_workers.set({}, live_workers_count = Pitchfork::Info.live_workers_count)

if defined?(Raindrops::Linux.tcp_listener_stats)
  listener_address = "{ENV.fetch('PORT', 3000)}"
  stats = Raindrops::Linux.tcp_listener_stats([listener_address])[listener_address]
  pitchfork.request_backlog.set({}, stats.queued)

  pitchfork.live_capacity.set({}, live_workers_count -
  pitchfork.live_busy_percentage.set({}, ? 100.0 : ( * 100.0) / live_workers_count)
casperisfine commented 1 month ago

More or less the same. Raindrops and some StatsD metrics.

One thing you may want to be aware of, is that currently every call to tcp_listener_stats allocate an IO instance and doesn't eagerly close it, so you you do this a lot in a process that doesn't do much more, it can accumulate a lot of file descriptors until GC finally trigger:

So we use this fork for now:

casperisfine commented 1 month ago

As for Pitchfork.listener_names, I think it would make sense to just compute it before closing the listeners so it can continue to return the same value. PR welcome, but otherwise I might do it at some point.

ollym commented 1 month ago

What are your thoughts on inlining listener_stats to pitchfork? I've seen you dropped the dependency on raindrops but maybe just inline the function it was providing?


And taking care of the leak in the process? This kind of monitoring feels pretty mission critical that everyone will need to do at some point.

casperisfine commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I considered some form of that. Was more thinking of doing a companion gem as it could be used by other servers, but I'd like to stop depending on raindrops at Shopify, just haven't gotten around to do it.