Closed abretonc7s closed 4 weeks ago
(0 , _$$_REQUIRE(...).useTouchHandler) is not a function
I see the commit from What is the correct way to use the function now?
Here is my code, Ionly updated from 1.2.3 to 1.5.0:
// packages/expo-audio-ui/src/AudioVisualizer/CanvasContainer.tsx import { Canvas, ExtendedTouchInfo, Group, Path, SkFont, useTouchHandler, } from '@shopify/react-native-skia' import { AmplitudeAlgorithm, DataPoint } from '@siteed/expo-audio-stream' import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react' import { Platform, View } from 'react-native' import { SharedValue, useDerivedValue } from 'react-native-reanimated' import AnimatedCandle from '../AnimatedCandle/AnimatedCandle' import { SkiaTimeRuler } from '../SkiaTimeRuler/SkiaTimeRuler' import Waveform from '../Waveform/Waveform' import { YAxis } from '../YAxis/YAxis' import { defaultCandleColors } from '../constants' import { AudioVisualizerTheme, CandleData } from './AudioVisualiser.types' import { drawDottedLine } from './AudioVisualizers.helpers' export interface CanvasContainerProps { canvasHeight: number candleWidth: number candleSpace: number showDottedLine: boolean showRuler: boolean showSilence: boolean showYAxis: boolean mode: 'static' | 'live' | 'scaled' algorithm: AmplitudeAlgorithm translateX: SharedValue<number> activePoints: CandleData[] maxDisplayedItems: number paddingLeft: number totalCandleWidth: number startIndex: number canvasWidth: number selectedCandle: DataPoint | null durationMs?: number minAmplitude: number maxAmplitude: number onSelection: (dataPoint: DataPoint) => void theme: AudioVisualizerTheme font?: SkFont scaleToHumanVoice: boolean disableTapSelection?: boolean visualizationType?: 'candles' | 'waveform' } const CanvasContainer: React.FC<CanvasContainerProps> = ({ canvasHeight, candleWidth, candleSpace, showDottedLine, showYAxis, showRuler, mode, translateX, activePoints, maxDisplayedItems, paddingLeft, algorithm, totalCandleWidth, startIndex, canvasWidth, selectedCandle, showSilence, durationMs, font, theme, onSelection, minAmplitude, maxAmplitude, scaleToHumanVoice, disableTapSelection = false, visualizationType = 'candles', // default to 'candles' for backward compatibility }) => { const candleColors = { ...defaultCandleColors, ...theme.candle, } const groupTransform = useDerivedValue(() => { return [{ translateX: translateX.value }] }) // Use refs to store the scaling factors const scalingFactorRef = useRef<number>(1) const humanVoiceScalingFactorRef = useRef<number>(1) // Define reference values for human voice range const humanVoiceMin = 0.01 // Adjust based on your typical minimum amplitude for speech const humanVoiceMax = 0.2 // Maximum amplitude for normal speech const absoluteMax = 0.8 // Maximum possible amplitude // Define the proportion of canvas height for normal speech const normalSpeechHeightProportion = 0.95 // 95% of canvas height for normal speech // Update scaling factors when maxAmplitude changes useEffect(() => { scalingFactorRef.current = canvasHeight / maxAmplitude humanVoiceScalingFactorRef.current = canvasHeight / (humanVoiceMax - humanVoiceMin) }, [maxAmplitude, canvasHeight]) const memoizedCandles = useMemo(() => { return ({ id, amplitude, visible, activeSpeech, silent }, index) => { if (id === -1) return null const centerY = canvasHeight / 2 let scaledAmplitude: number if (scaleToHumanVoice) { if (amplitude <= humanVoiceMax) { // Scale normally within the human voice range scaledAmplitude = ((amplitude - humanVoiceMin) / (humanVoiceMax - humanVoiceMin)) * (canvasHeight * normalSpeechHeightProportion) } else { // For amplitudes above humanVoiceMax, use a logarithmic scale const baseHeight = canvasHeight * normalSpeechHeightProportion const extraHeight = canvasHeight * (1 - normalSpeechHeightProportion) const logFactor = Math.log(amplitude / humanVoiceMax) / Math.log(absoluteMax / humanVoiceMax) scaledAmplitude = baseHeight + extraHeight * logFactor } } else { // Use the full amplitude range from 0 to absoluteMax when not scaling to human voice scaledAmplitude = (amplitude / absoluteMax) * canvasHeight } // Clamp the scaled amplitude to ensure it stays within the canvas const clampedAmplitude = Math.max( 0, Math.min(scaledAmplitude, canvasHeight) ) let delta = Math.ceil(maxDisplayedItems / 2) * (candleWidth + candleSpace) if (mode === 'live') { delta = 0 } const x = (candleWidth + candleSpace) * index + startIndex * (candleWidth + candleSpace) + delta let color = candleColors.activeAudioColor if (!visible) { color = candleColors.offcanvasColor } else if (selectedCandle && === id) { color = candleColors.selectedColor } else if (activeSpeech) { color = candleColors.activeSpeechColor } const key = `${id}` return ( <React.Fragment key={key}> {selectedCandle && === id && ( <Path path={`M${x},0 L${x + candleWidth},0 L${x + candleWidth},${canvasHeight} L${x},${canvasHeight} Z`} color="red" style="stroke" strokeWidth={2} // strokeDash={[4, 4]} /> )} {(!silent || showSilence) && ( <AnimatedCandle animated x={x} y={centerY - clampedAmplitude / 2} startY={centerY} width={candleWidth} height={clampedAmplitude} color={color} /> )} </React.Fragment> ) } ) }, [ activePoints, canvasHeight, minAmplitude, maxAmplitude, maxDisplayedItems, showSilence, candleWidth, candleSpace, candleColors, mode, startIndex, selectedCandle, scaleToHumanVoice, ]) const hasProcessedEvent = useRef(false) const processEvent = useCallback( (event: ExtendedTouchInfo) => { if ( mode === 'live' || hasProcessedEvent.current || disableTapSelection ) return const { x, y } = event if (x < 0 || x > canvasWidth || y < 0 || y > canvasHeight) { return } hasProcessedEvent.current = true setTimeout(() => { hasProcessedEvent.current = false }, 300) const plotStart = canvasWidth / 2 + translateX.value const plotEnd = plotStart + totalCandleWidth if (x < plotStart || x > plotEnd) { return } const adjustedX = x - plotStart const index = Math.floor(adjustedX / (candleWidth + candleSpace)) const candle = activePoints[index] if (!candle) { return } // Dispatch action to update the selected candle onSelection?.(candle) }, [ mode, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, translateX, totalCandleWidth, candleWidth, candleSpace, activePoints, onSelection, disableTapSelection, ] ) const touchHandler = useTouchHandler({ onStart: () => {}, onEnd: processEvent, }) // Conditionally render visualization based on 'visualizationType' prop const visualizationContent = useMemo(() => { if (visualizationType === 'waveform') { // Prepare data for Waveform component return ( <Waveform activePoints={activePoints} canvasHeight={canvasHeight} canvasWidth={canvasWidth} minAmplitude={minAmplitude} maxAmplitude={maxAmplitude} theme={theme} /> ) } else { // Default to rendering Candles return memoizedCandles } }, [ visualizationType, activePoints, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, minAmplitude, maxAmplitude, theme, memoizedCandles, ]) return ( <View style={theme.canvasContainer}> <Canvas style={{ height: canvasHeight, width: canvasWidth }} onTouch={ Platform.OS !== 'web' && !disableTapSelection ? touchHandler : undefined } > <Group transform={groupTransform}> {visualizationContent} {showRuler && ( <SkiaTimeRuler duration={durationMs ?? 0 / 1000} paddingLeft={paddingLeft} width={totalCandleWidth} font={font} tickColor={theme.timeRuler.tickColor} labelColor={theme.timeRuler.labelColor} /> )} </Group> {showDottedLine && ( <Path path={drawDottedLine({ canvasWidth, canvasHeight })} color={theme.dottedLineColor || 'grey'} style="stroke" strokeWidth={1} /> )} {showYAxis && ( <YAxis canvasHeight={canvasHeight} canvasWidth={canvasWidth} minAmplitude={minAmplitude} maxAmplitude={maxAmplitude} algorithm={algorithm} font={font} padding={10} tickColor={theme.yAxis.tickColor} labelColor={theme.yAxis.labelColor} /> )} </Canvas> </View> ) } export default React.memo(CanvasContainer)
Repo is available at Deployed with 1.2.3 at
Ok so I eventually stopped using the event, closing it but other users may run into a similar issue.
(0 , _$$_REQUIRE(...).useTouchHandler) is not a function
I see the commit from What is the correct way to use the function now?
Steps to reproduce
Here is my code, Ionly updated from 1.2.3 to 1.5.0:
Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository
Repo is available at Deployed with 1.2.3 at