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Shopify Mobile does not provide working alternative for Contextual Save Bar, cannot perform actions in Shopify Mobile on such page #330

Closed excitexcite closed 1 month ago

excitexcite commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

Unable to perform save/cancel actions in Shopify Mobile andoird app. For these actions for browser version I use Contextual Save Bar. The tick and the cross are shown instead of contextual save bar in Shopify Mobile, but they do nothing.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Launch Shopify Mobile for android
  2. Open your embeded app
  3. Open the page, where you use Contextual Save Bar for performing actions (to save an entity for example).
  4. Click tick/cross
  5. Nothing happens, no action perfromed.


Expected behaviour

Shopify guidelines encourage us to use shopify app bridge components, so I expect to have something like contextual save bar in shopify android app, or at least have the tick and the cross icons working.

Contextual information

Packages and versions

Using latest version of shopify-app-bridge via CDN.


darrynten commented 2 months ago

I can confirm that I'm experiencing this same behaviour, the new contextual save bar is working on desktop but the tick and cross icons do not do anything at all and the user gets stuck on the page when I test in the Shopify Mobile app

darrynten commented 2 months ago

To add more context:

Using a Stimulus connected, self-managed ui-save-bar component (i.e. not <form data-save-bar> I'm able to trigger the discard confirmation, but the discard action itself does not happen, and the submit button does nothing at all when open in Shopify Mobile

<ui-save-bar id="my-save-bar" data-app-target="saveBar" discardConfirmation>
  <button variant="primary" id="my-save-button" data-app-target="save" data-action="app#save"></button>
  <button id="my-discard-button" data-app-target="discard" data-action="app#discard"></button>

Works well on Desktop

darrynten commented 2 months ago

This is still a serious problem, the save and discard buttons in Shopify Mobile do nothing.

I tried inspecting the webview with adb but the save-bar buttons are outside of the webview and do not display in the preview.

darrynten commented 2 months ago

@henrytao-me Besides adding via Stimulus I also tried:

None of them bind any functionality to the save button on Shopify Mobile, and the user ends up stuck with Unsaved changes.

No matter what I try I can't seem to get any code at all to run on the buttons inside the ui-save-bar when loaded up on the Shopify Mobile app.

v3 Contextual SaveBar works.


Turning off "Mobile optimization" makes the save bar work again, but it's a much worse experience overall.

autoserve commented 2 months ago

We are using React Component SaveBar and having the same issue. The SaveBar works as expected on Desktop (web), but on Mobile (within Shopify app) clicking on the button does not work at all.

We are on the latest shopify remix 2.5.0 at the moment of this comment.

Could someone from the Shopify team please prioritize this and look into this bug? As this should be a major/core feature for many apps when using app-bridge.

darrynten commented 2 months ago

@autoserve this will probably take a long time to get fixed.

We've decided to block access to any functionality that uses the save bar on shopify mobile with a message directing users to the desktop or mobile web version until it is resolved.

henrytao-me commented 2 months ago

Hi all, I am looking into this issue this week. So sorry about the delay and thanks so much for your patience.

darrynten commented 2 months ago

@henrytao-me is there any progress on this?

darrynten commented 1 month ago

@henrytao-me any progress on this?

All of the App Bridge 4.x versions of our apps are currently stuck in QA since none of them can save anything on Shopify Mobile.

It's been like this for over 2 months now, should our team be looking at implementing something like auto-saving every time the user changes the value and doing away with the save bar altogether, or is this issue really being addressed internally with a realistic deadline?

henrytao-me commented 1 month ago

The team is looking into this. I will give you an update by end of day.

henrytao-me commented 1 month ago

@darrynten A pull request is up. It should be shipped by end of today. No changes required on your end nor merchants.

henrytao-me commented 1 month ago

It's fixed on production.

darrynten commented 1 month ago

I can confirm it's working again, thank you from all of us!

autoserve commented 1 month ago

Thank you!