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How to use api-codegen-preset in checkout UI extensions? #1081

Open nboliver-ventureweb opened 2 weeks ago

nboliver-ventureweb commented 2 weeks ago

Is it possible to use api-codegen-preset within a checkout UI extension? I tried setting it up according to the docs, but it didn't work.

Here is the .graphqlrc.ts:

import { ApiType, shopifyApiProject } from '@shopify/api-codegen-preset';

// See
export default {
  schema: '',
  documents: ['./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
  projects: {
    default: shopifyApiProject({
      apiType: ApiType.Storefront,
      apiVersion: '2024-04',
      documents: ['./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
      outputDir: './types',

Here is the output:

✔ Parse Configuration
⚠ Generate outputs
  ❯ Generate to ./types/storefront-2024-04.schema.json
    ✔ Load GraphQL schemas
      Unable to find any GraphQL type definitions for the following pointers:
      - ./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}
    ◼ Generate
  ❯ Generate to ./types/storefront.types.d.ts
    ✔ Load GraphQL schemas
      Unable to find any GraphQL type definitions for the following pointers:
      - ./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}
    ◼ Generate
  ❯ Generate to ./types/storefront.generated.d.ts
    ✔ Load GraphQL schemas
      Unable to find any GraphQL type definitions for the following pointers:
      - ./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}
    ◼ Generate

Am I missing something, or does it not work in a UI extension? I double checked the paths were correct. I confirmed the query was named:

      const { data } = await query(
        query getProductsOnOffer($handle: String!, $first: Int!) {
          collection(handle: $handle) {
            products(first: $first) {
              nodes {
                  nodes {
                variants(first: 1) {
                  nodes {
                    price {
          variables: { handle: 'automated-collection', first: 5 },
matteodepalo commented 6 days ago

Hi @nboliver-ventureweb, what version of api-codegen-preset are you using?