Shopify / shopify-app-template-php

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Can not create php template with 3.48.0 #463

Open muttahirrasheed opened 11 months ago

muttahirrasheed commented 11 months ago

Issue summary

Write a short description of the issue here ↓ Latest version of Shopify/app is 3.48.0 which is not creating PHP template

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen? it is working fine with 3.46.0

Actual behavior

What actually happens? It should start installation but giving error

Tip: include an error message (in a <details></details> tag) if your issue is related to an error

Steps to reproduce the problem

1. 1. 1.

Reduced test case

The best way to get your bug fixed is to provide a reduced test case.


arosenhagen commented 11 months ago

Error on 3.48.0: Only remix, none template aliases are supported

manh-nguyen commented 11 months ago

Got the same error on 3.48.0. It worked for 3.47.5 npm init @shopify/app@3.47.5 -- --template php

muttahirrasheed commented 11 months ago

I am facing issue with index.jsx and dev_embed.jsx 500 internal error on main screen.

muttahirrasheed commented 11 months ago

may be shop authentication is not properly provided and when it's land without shop it gives error

anhdd-kuro commented 11 months ago

This is the reason I wonder if they want to force us to use Remix or not