Shopify / shopify-app-template-remix

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Remix Installed app getting redirected to the App's URL instead of admin portal( #518

Closed HarshaKDeltaX closed 7 months ago

HarshaKDeltaX commented 8 months ago

Issue summary

Remix Installed app getting redirected to the App's URL instead of admin portal(

Expected behavior

When the App is installed it should stay in the admin protal and complete the Auth. In my case it's redirected to the https://{MyAppURL}/store/{StoreName}/apps/{AppId} Instead of{StoreName}/apps/{AppId}

Actual behavior

It should be expected to redirect to the admin portal of the shopify.


When I update the app URL to, I can access my Application.

Updated to It worked for me

paulomarg commented 8 months ago

Hi, sorry to hear you're having issues. In general, this is what happens after OAuth:

Can you please double check:

Hope this helps!

HarshaKDeltaX commented 7 months ago

Hi @paulomarg, It's an Embedded app which is configured as an embedded app from both in code and partners dashboard.

Even for the OAuth it's been redirected to the App's root.


Confirmation for IsEmbedded App:

Code: shopify.server.js const shopify = shopifyApp({ apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY, apiSecretKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_SECRET || "", apiVersion: LATEST_API_VERSION, scopes: process.env.SCOPES?.split(","), appUrl: process.env.SHOPIFY_APP_URL || "", authPathPrefix: "/auth", sessionStorage: new PrismaSessionStorage(prisma), distribution: AppDistribution.AppStore, restResources, webhooks: { APP_UNINSTALLED: { deliveryMethod: DeliveryMethod.Http, callbackUrl: "/webhooks", }, }, hooks: { afterAuth: async ({ session }) => { shopify.registerWebhooks({ session }); }, }, ...(process.env.SHOP_CUSTOM_DOMAIN ? { customShopDomains: [process.env.SHOP_CUSTOM_DOMAIN] } : {}), isEmbeddedApp: true });

Partners Dashboard: image

paulomarg commented 7 months ago

Hey, so it sounds like your configuration is correct for an embedded app.

It's normal for the redirect_uri in the OAuth request to go back to the app. The flow goes:

/auth => Shopify (shows grant page to merchant) => /auth/callback => <store>/apps/<id>

The app needs to receive the callback as a confirmation that the process was successful to complete the installation.

It sounds like there could be something going wrong in your callback. I would suggest that you check the host search param in the /auth/callback request (it's a base64 string so you'll have to decode it). If that value points to your app and not the store, there could be a bug here.

HarshaKDeltaX commented 7 months ago

Hey @paulomarg, Recorded the URL for auth/callback


host: YWRtaW4uc2hvcGlmeS5jb20vc3RvcmUvYWtvLWRldi1zdG9yZQ

Decoded value:

the query param is right, but still it redirects to

paulomarg commented 7 months ago

Hmm, this is quite strange - I don't think we've had other reports of this happening, and based on the code it should be working - when the callback completes, it'll call redirectToShopifyOrAppRoot.

That function will run this:

  const redirectUrl = api.config.isEmbeddedApp
    ? await api.auth.getEmbeddedAppUrl({rawRequest: request})
    : `/?shop=${shop}&host=${encodeURIComponent(host)}`;

which calls getEmbeddedAppUrl if the app is embedded. That function runs

    return `https://${decodedHost}/apps/${config.apiKey}`;

so I can't really see how this would be happening if the callback worked, other than the app having an afterAuth hook configured that takes it to / instead.

HarshaKDeltaX commented 7 months ago

Hi @paulomarg, I walked through the node_modules to out the issue. Found out that there is an issue with my hosting style. I'm basically running this app in a docker container and used IIS as a reverse proxy.

Issue: My response headers are overwritten by the app's root. Which is where it's taking the host from. image

Expectation: The expectation is that it should have the /admin/oauth/authorize

After updating this setting, I can see the response header got updated to /admin/oauth/authorize image

And finally it got resolved, It's getting redirected to the right URL.

Thank you so much for your quick response; I really appreciate It.

paulomarg commented 7 months ago

Glad to hear you figured it out! Also, thank you for sharing your solution in case others also run into this kind of issue!