Shopify / slate

Slate is a toolkit for developing Shopify themes. It's designed to assist your workflow and speed up the process of developing, testing, and deploying themes.
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Template Cache Problem #1002

Open masterShake opened 5 years ago

masterShake commented 5 years ago

I just started having a problem where the template is caching and will not reload when I change it. Watch is still refreshing the page by my changes to the markup are not displayed.

This situation is NOT remedied when I run build & deploy. It still uses the cached version. Only if I change the name of the template or file and build/deploy am I able to see my changes reflected. This is obviously unacceptable because it will take 5x as long to develop the theme if I have to go through this process every time I make a minor change.

How can I clear or even turn off the cache?

masterShake commented 5 years ago

I figured this out. Liquid won't compile if there are errors and the browser will never tell you there is something wrong. Gotta read the console output very closely.

masterShake commented 5 years ago

So the console does not tell you if there are errors in your liquid file when "watching" if you mess up you will never know.

As soon as liquid finds an error, the template breaks and uses the cached version. You need to stop watching and rerun "npm start" to get it going again. Is there a way to turn on error reporting without deploying?

reco commented 5 years ago

omg ++++++9999

reco commented 5 years ago

npm run deploy will give you at least an error message. just takes so long.

pfcodes commented 5 years ago

Editing files directly in Shopify IDE also shows error messages

lorraineS commented 5 years ago

Same observation, it's a real hell to debug. The console does not tell us anything. I am forced to work with the online IDE to see the mistakes made.

What a waste of time !

anhkhoi commented 5 years ago

Caching problem wasted my time also!!! This issue should be fixed in the next release.

GuillermoCasanova commented 4 years ago

I've been having to copy paste code into an old Slate v0 version and having "slate watch" on that to check code that looks like is broken as v0 told us errors in the terminal. Other than that, "yarn deploy" and lots of waiting.

robstarkdev commented 3 years ago

I think I have a similar problem, today in 2021.