Shopify / slate

Slate is a toolkit for developing Shopify themes. It's designed to assist your workflow and speed up the process of developing, testing, and deploying themes.
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Will slate be compatible with section themes? #1054

Open RustyDev opened 4 years ago

RustyDev commented 4 years ago

Section Themes are due out in October and it's possible to preview the functionality with a development store.

I understand that Slate is in low maintenance mode but am curious to know if there are any plans to update the webpack config to allow for the new frame and content folders and types.

wizardlyhel commented 4 years ago

At the moment, there is no plan. Sections Themes are still in preview and there are many moving pieces. Until the API is solid, there will be no plans for it.

RustyDev commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. In order for theme developers to take advantage of the preview, I wish there was an option to try out preview using the tools we already have working.

I understand the moving parts and hope this will become available before the release date.

lmartins commented 4 years ago

Isn't it time for Shopify to provide some clarity on the future of this project? 6 months have passed and not a single update.

jonathanmoore commented 4 years ago

Right now it would take some pretty heavy changes to Slate in order to get it working with the new Section Themes. Also, so much is rapidly changing between new liquid tags, structure, limitations, requirements, etc that it would be tough to officially re-engineer Slate to work with a moving target.

I imagine once the actual Online Editor beta is ready it might be easier to start adjusting tools to work with the new theme paradigm. For now, with our early development, we have switched back to a custom fork of Slate 0.x using the latest version of Themekit that supports Section Themes.

I have no doubt that once Section Themes are finalized we'll see tooling ramp back up. Either officially from Shopify or other Shopify Partners.