Shopify / slate

Slate is a toolkit for developing Shopify themes. It's designed to assist your workflow and speed up the process of developing, testing, and deploying themes.
MIT License
1.28k stars 363 forks source link

Continued Support for Slate? #1092

Open s10wen opened 4 years ago

s10wen commented 4 years ago

With this project no longer being supported by Shopify:

This repo is no longer active. See README for details

I'm wondering out of all the forks:

Is anyone actively continuing to work on Slate?

I'd love to see further development and help out where I can until Shopify release their improved solution.

alotoftype commented 4 years ago

@s10wen, at my organization we completely removed slate and implemented themekit and webpack which allowed for a bit more control. This has allowed us to get a better understanding of the tooling and allowed us to upgrade the dependencies referenced in slate. offers some good direction as well as

s10wen commented 4 years ago

@alotoftype cheers, I'll check this out!

james2doyle commented 4 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 10 32 51 AM

I just had a back and forth with support and they are saying they don’t fully support themekit. Maybe this was incorrect but it seems concerning...

alotoftype commented 4 years ago

Why would they not support something they put out. Very concerning indeed

s10wen commented 4 years ago => "Slate was built upon Theme Kit". Looks like they want to concentrate on improving other areas first, such as the API and the 'Sections architecture' first:

Hopefully when they are developed a bit further, they'll pick it back up, or create something else more suitable for the new setup 🤞🏻

chefjuanpi commented 3 years ago

I continue to use Slate and fix some bugs on my fork I need dedicate some time to update the documentation for include the upgrades I do like full support for windows. I open to contributions and ideas

jesster2k10 commented 3 years ago

@chefjuanpi What changes have you added so far? I'd ideally like to work with Slate since it's the best tool (IMO) for building Shopify Themes, without having to resort to a headless option.

chefjuanpi commented 3 years ago

1) Full support for windows. 2) Add webpack-bundle-analyzer, just use yarn build --analyze or yarn build -a. it helps to catch where the build can be optimized. 3) Remove Slate-analytics (it's dead no one is reading this...) 4) upgrade packages and rewrite the call when is necessary.

I'm block upgrading htmlWebpackPlugin the template is uncompatible, with the new version. I like to upgrade this for use better optimizations during buils. Now it's possible to use webpack optimization on slate.config.js something like:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  optimization = {
    splitChunks: {
      chunks: 'all',
      automaticNameDelimiter: '-',
      name: true,
      cacheGroups: {},
      minSize: 100000,
      maxSize: 200000,
    mergeDuplicateChunks: true,

it split the bundle into chunks (better for accelerating the time response and charge) but /snippets/script-tags.liquidand /snippets/style-tags.liquid only list the chunks, you need to manually insert the liquid code to optimize and organize the Js and css calls.

jesster2k10 commented 3 years ago
  1. Full support for windows.
  2. Add webpack-bundle-analyzer, just use yarn build --analyze or yarn build -a. it helps to catch where the build can be optimized.
  3. Remove Slate-analytics (it's dead no one is reading this...)
  4. upgrade packages and rewrite the call when is necessary.

I'm block upgrading htmlWebpackPlugin the template is uncompatible, with the new version. I like to upgrade this for use better optimizations during buils. Now it's possible to use webpack optimization on slate.config.js something like:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  optimization = {
    splitChunks: {
      chunks: 'all',
      automaticNameDelimiter: '-',
      name: true,
      cacheGroups: {},
      minSize: 100000,
      maxSize: 200000,
    mergeDuplicateChunks: true,

it split the bundle into chunks (better for accelerating the time response and charge) but /snippets/script-tags.liquidand /snippets/style-tags.liquid only list the chunks, you need to manually insert the liquid code to optimize and organize the Js and css calls.

That sounds great! Thank you 🙏. I'll take a look at it and try it out. Leaning more towards this than setting up a custom webpack configuration, using another tool, or even going headless. I've been working with slate since the early beta and would much rather stick to what I know best.

If you put together a roadmap, I wouldn't mind making some contributions in my free time.