I have an application which supports background jobs (report generations). I have a use-case in which if a report is taking too long i timeout the report. Below is the pseudo code:
def generate_report(user_id)
timeout_after = 10800 # In seconds # 3hours
StatsD.increment('report_generation', 1, tags:["name:report_generation_start", "user_id:#{user_id}"])
formats = [:csv, :xlsx]
formats.each do |r_format|
Timeout.timeout(timeout_after) do
report = send("generate_#{r_format}")
rescue Timeout::Error => e
StatsD.increment('report_generation', 1, tags:["name:report_generation_timeout_error", "user_id:#{user_id}"])
StatsD.increment('report_generation', 1, tags:["name:report_generation_completed", "user_id:#{user_id}"])
I ran 3 background jobs for different users (let's say id 1, 2, 3).
On successful generation i see all 3 metrics being pushed correctly. However, on timeout error i see name:report_generation_start being pushed 3 times but name:report_generation_timeout_error, name:report_generation_completed being pushed only once or twice (there's always a missing entry atleast)
I have an application which supports background jobs (report generations). I have a use-case in which if a report is taking too long i timeout the report. Below is the pseudo code:
I ran 3 background jobs for different users (let's say id 1, 2, 3).
On successful generation i see all 3 metrics being pushed correctly. However, on timeout error i see
being pushed 3 times butname:report_generation_timeout_error
being pushed only once or twice (there's always a missing entry atleast)