Closed noahgibbs closed 6 months ago
A bunch of other reports, separate from the exit reports, are also out of date. I need to fix that first.
And the git diffs are routinely so big that it's breaking local Git config. Which means it's time to at least rewrite the branch, but more reasonably to change how we do this. If the reports are too big for a full re-run to work well with Git, then our current setup is no good.
We already do a full build-to-html on every report, often multiple times. It probably makes far more sense to check in that HTML into a new, bare Git branch and push that as the pages branch. We'll still have the current Jekyll source material, like Liquid-templated markdown files and raw benchmarks, in an appropriate branch. But we don't want to full-rebuild the reports every time, which takes forever. Not sure what we want to do there. Rebuild the branch every time we rebuild the reports? Not sure.
Probably makes more sense to do one full reporting-branch-rebuild in the short term, and maybe to optionally change our every-day rebuild process to put the generated HTML into a new branch so that GHPages doesn't do our Jekyll building. That will also get rid of a problem we have occasionally where GHPages hits the ten-minute time limit on its build and doesn't deploy We don't hit it often, but presumably we will keep hitting it more often as our repo gets bigger.
Closing stale PR
We're significantly out of date.
This needs testing on real data, to make sure both old and new stats render reasonably, and that all fields are included where available.