Short-bus / pilomar

RaspberryPi based miniature observatory
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom PCB Procurement #27

Closed baqwas closed 8 months ago

baqwas commented 8 months ago

Is the custom PCB available for cloning for use by others? Would like to order one from PCBway if you approve!

Also, is there a full schematic of all the connections in any other document? It is next to impossible to read the schematic in the PDF document. Thanks.


Short-bus commented 8 months ago

Thanks for pointing out the schematic issue. I'll check the schematic and look draft some more detailed instructions. The wiring required should be fairly simple, I'm sure I can make the instructions more useful.

The PCB in the video was a development experiment, it had some extra features that are not needed in the project, and also a small error in one of the tracks which I had to fix manually, so it's not an ideal version to reproduce.

There certainly could be a Gerber file one day for the whole board which people could send off for printing, but I'd like it reviewed by someone more qualified than me before making a version available.

I'll post here when the wiring instructions are updated.

baqwas commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the quick update, @Short-bus. Not an issue with the PCB situation.

I simply wanted to understand the advantage of the RP2040 (any model) because I've been driving gimbal movements with hobbyist servo motors and one Arducam PTZ setup using several different SBCs without an intermediate hop - all with motor power supply isolated.

Haven't fully digested your notes on the advantages of the RP2040 (+ specifically the Pimoroni model) but your recommendations are to avoid driving the servos directly from the RPi (even with totally separate power supply to the servos), I believe. Thanks again.
