Short-bus / pilomar

RaspberryPi based miniature observatory
GNU General Public License v3.0
63 stars 14 forks source link

Initial menu does not recognize the 'x' key #56

Closed tproffen closed 5 months ago

tproffen commented 5 months ago

It looks like when starting pilomar the very first menu does not recognize the 'x' key and says 'try again'. Here is the terminal dump

`pi@pilomar:~/pilomar/src $ ./pilomar

SoftwareStartDatetime: 2024-02-04 20:09:45.032943+00:00 UTC Using realtime clock. Project root /home/pi/pilomar Current time is: 2024-02-04 20:09:45.033469+00:00 UTC, offset is None seconds. 2024-01-30 19:18:18.970106 Main log to /home/pi/pilomar/log/pilomar_20240204200945.log Camera log to /home/pi/pilomar/log/pilomar_camera20240204200945.log Removing out of date log files to preserve disc space... find /home/pi/pilomar/log -type f -name 'pilomar*.log' -mtime +2 -delete Done. 2024-02-04 20:09:45 Loading parameters from file: /home/pi/pilomar/data/pilomar_params.json Current UTC time is: 2024-02-04 20:09:45.283973+00:00 Local time is: 2024-02-04 15:09:45.283973-05:00 Python3 is UTF-8 compliant, make sure that the terminal is in UTF-8 mode too. 2024-02-04 20:09:45 Initial: Using SD card for images. / Motors enabled DetectCamera: raspistill -o /home/pi/pilomar/temp/testraspistill.jpg WARNING: reported in LogFile: 2024-02-04 20:09:45 DetectCamera: Camera not found. DetectCamera: False Camera disabled 2024-02-04 20:09:45 The program will generate simulated images instead. 2024-02-04 20:09:48 azimuth motor restored to last known position 48000 ( 180.000° ) 2024-02-04 20:09:48 altitude motor restored to last known position 0 ( 000.000° ) 2024-02-04 20:09:48 Home location Latitude 36.017935 N, Longitude 84.215594 W 2024-02-04 20:09:48 Hipparcos data cache exists, using that.

Select target 1 Resume last observation 2 Repeat earlier observations 3 Solar system object 4 Hipparcos star catalog
5 Messier catalog 6 New General Catalog (NGC)
7 Comet 8 Meteor shower
9 Space stations/satellites 10 RA-DEC co-ordinates
11 Fixed ALT-AZ point
x Exit ? Refresh
Menu option : x ? Try again.

Select target 1 Resume last observation 2 Repeat earlier observations 3 Solar system object 4 Hipparcos star catalog
5 Messier catalog 6 New General Catalog (NGC)
7 Comet 8 Meteor shower
9 Space stations/satellites 10 RA-DEC co-ordinates
11 Fixed ALT-AZ point
x Exit ? Refresh
Menu option : `

Short-bus commented 5 months ago

Well spotted, I'll check that out. As a workaround you can just select '1 Resume last observation' to get out of the menu and keep the current selection. When the program first starts up you have to select a target in order to proceed, but after that it should allow you to back out of target selection and keep the current choice.

Short-bus commented 5 months ago

Testing solution which reloads the 'last target' automatically if you 'x' out of the target selection menu. Will be part of the 2024-01-issues branch when ready.

Short-bus commented 5 months ago
