ShotgunNinja / Kerbalism

Hundreds of Kerbals were killed in the making of this mod.
The Unlicense
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Update for SSTU #125

Closed Maxzhao1999 closed 7 years ago

Maxzhao1999 commented 7 years ago

Add a lot more compatibility across the SSTU mod. Got the centrifuge in SSTU to provide FeatureComfort and StationCore communication module to have a big antenna.

One problem though, no idea how to link the animations(the centrifuge and the antenna). The functionalities apart from animations seem okay in game, will do more testing.

ShotgunNinja commented 7 years ago

I've updated the SSTU.cfg, fixing the HGA animation. I've also made it an high-gain antenna, with stats in line with other high-gain antennas of that size. Was there a reason you set it as low-gain in the other commit?

About the (real nice) inflatable gravity rings. Unfortunately the current system support inflatable habitats, and rotating gravity rings, but not both in the same part. So either the 'inflate' animation on the parts is binded to the enable/disable animation slot of GravityRing, or no enable/disable animation is specified and the rings will be always considered enabled (even when they look not inflated). Also, it seem that SSTU rings rotation is accomplished by physically rotating the part, rather than by a predefined animation. That is also not supported currently by the GravityRing module. If you keep the SSTU module that implement the rotation, and do not specify a rotate animation in GravityRing, then it will think that the ring is always enabled. This mean that it will consume EC even when the ring is not graphically rotating.

Another thing: you should not underestimate structural formatting. No tabs, ever. Only spaces. Tabs are evil. Press space twice instead, or use an editor that automatically convert evil tabs into beautiful spaces. Nodes should be on the same column, and the nested entries on deeper columns. Eg: this is okay:

  def = ...
     jkl = ...

    z = 1

while this is totally not okay:

  def = ...
     jkl = ...

    z = 1

So I suggest you commit a new PR, with improved formatting and that only deal with things that can be supported in a clean way for now, like antennas and simple comforts.

Maxzhao1999 commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for the detailed response, this is exactly what I need as a novice! I'll fix them today. The low-gain antenna is probably due to me overlooking because of the messed up formatting, I'll be more careful. Thanks a lot for your suggestions!