Shougo / context_filetype.vim

Context filetype library for Vim script
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Idea/Question: neocomplcache migration guide? #10

Closed lfilho closed 11 years ago

lfilho commented 11 years ago

Hello Shougo.

I've been using neocomplcache and I have some configurations options in my .vimrc of course...

So, in order to migrate to neocomplete, do we have to do anything? or just doing something like %s/neocomplache/neocomplete/g would be enough?

Finally, if there's anything we need to do for this migration, it might be a good idea to include it in the README somewhere?

Thanks for the great plugin(s)!

Shougo commented 11 years ago

Sorry, this is context_filetype.vim's issue. Your issue is neocomplete's issue.

Can you create in neocomplte's issue?

lfilho commented 11 years ago

Hahaha sorry my bad! Didn't realize I was in the wrong repo.