I work on C projects using the clang lsp, and used deoplete with this setup successfully before.
While working on a C project if I open a split terminal window (:terminal) to execute some commands, after some time (a random amount, it can take a while or be quick, but it always happens) completion stops working and nvim spams with error messages:
E475: Invalid argument: Channel doesn't exist
Error detected while processing TextChangedT Autocommands for "*"..function ddc#_on_event[6]..denops#notify[1]..denops#server#notify[4]..denops#_internal#server#chan#notify[4]..denops#_internal#rpc#nvim#notify:
line 1:
E475: Invalid argument: Channel doesn't exist
Error detected while processing TextChangedT Autocommands for "*"..function ddc#_on_event[6]..denops#notify[1]..denops#server#notify[4]..denops#_internal#server#chan#notify[4]..denops#_internal#rpc#nvim#notify:
line 1:
E475: Invalid argument: Channel doesn't exist
Error detected while processing TextChangedT Autocommands for "*"..function ddc#_on_event[6]..denops#notify[1]..denops#server#notify[4]..denops#_internal#server#chan#notify[4]..denops#_internal#rpc#nvim#notify:
line 1:
E475: Invalid argument: Channel doesn't exist
Error detected while processing TextChangedT Autocommands for "*"..function ddc#_on_event[6]..denops#notify[1]..denops#server#notify[4]..denops#_internal#server#chan#notify[4]..denops#_internal#rpc#nvim#notify:
line 1:
E475: Invalid argument: Channel doesn't exist
Error detected while processing TextChangedT Autocommands for "*"..function ddc#_on_event[6]..denops#notify[1]..denops#server#notify[4]..denops#_internal#server#chan#notify[4]..denops#_internal#rpc#nvim#notify:
line 1:
E475: Invalid argument: Channel doesn't exist
[denops] Server stopped (133). Restarting...
[denops] <--- Last few GCs --->
[denops] [288147:0x7f6f4c075a20] 6766 ms: Scavenge 1365.1 (1430.9) -> 1362.3 (1432.7) MB, 33.0 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.359, current mu = 0.289) task;
[denops] [288147:0x7f6f4c075a20] 7602 ms: Mark-Compact 1367.2 (1432.7) -> 1364.7 (1444.9) MB, 830.3 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.231, current mu = 0.105) task; scavenge might not succeed
[denops] [288147:0x7f6f4c075a20] 8971 ms: Mark-Compact 1377.6 (1444.9) -> 1373.4 (1454.2) MB, 1362.4 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.096, current mu = 0.005) task; scavenge might not succeed
[denops] <--- JS stacktrace --->
[denops] #
[denops] # Fatal javascript OOM in Reached heap limit
[denops] #
[denops] Server stopped (133). Restarting...
[denops] <--- Last few GCs --->
[denops] [289099:0x7f9c80075a20] 7150 ms: Scavenge 1367.1 (1418.5) -> 1366.4 (1428.3) MB, 3.6 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.314, current mu = 0.272) task;
[denops] [289099:0x7f9c80075a20] 7158 ms: Scavenge 1371.9 (1428.3) -> 1370.5 (1429.5) MB, 4.2 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.314, current mu = 0.272) task;
[denops] [289099:0x7f9c80075a20] 7165 ms: Scavenge 1372.7 (1429.5) -> 1371.8 (1449.8) MB, 4.6 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.314, current mu = 0.272) task;
[denops] <--- JS stacktrace --->
[denops] #
[denops] # Fatal javascript OOM in Reached heap limit
[denops] #
[denops] Server stopped (133). Restarting...
It spams like this every minute or so after it happens for the first time.
My plugin configuration:
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
use { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig',
config = function()
use { 'Shougo/ddc-source-nvim-lsp',
requires = {'Shougo/ddc.vim', 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'}
use { 'Shougo/ddc.vim',
requires = {
config = function()
vim.fn['ddc#custom#patch_global']('ui', 'native')
sources = {'nvim-lsp'},
sourceOptions = {
["nvim-lsp"] = {
mark = 'L',
forceCompletionPattern = '\\.\\w*| =\\w*|->\\w*' },
vim.keymap.set('i', '<Tab>', function()
local col = vim.fn.col('.') - 1
if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then
return "<C-n>"
elseif col <= 1 or vim.fn.getline('.'):sub(col, col):match('%s') then
return "<TAB>"
return vim.cmd("call ddc#map#manual_complete()")
end, {expr = true, silent = true})
I work on C projects using the clang lsp, and used deoplete with this setup successfully before. While working on a C project if I open a split terminal window (:terminal) to execute some commands, after some time (a random amount, it can take a while or be quick, but it always happens) completion stops working and nvim spams with error messages:
It spams like this every minute or so after it happens for the first time.
My plugin configuration: