Shougo / ddu-source-action

Action source for ddu.vim
MIT License
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Executing chooseAction in floatwin of ui-ff results in commands executed in ff window #2

Closed ogaken-1 closed 11 months ago

ogaken-1 commented 11 months ago

Executing chooseAction in ff's UI, and selecting the open action results in files being opened in the ff window.

The necessary parts for reproduction are as follows:

Minimal configuration


let &rtp = $VIMRUNTIME
const s:packpath = expand('<script>:p:h')
let &packpath = s:packpath
const s:ToPackPath = { name -> s:packpath .. '/pack/' .. name }

function s:PackAdd(ghrepo) abort
  const plugin = #{
        \ path: s:ToPackPath(a:ghrepo),
        \ repo: $'{a:ghrepo}.git',
        \ name: a:ghrepo,
        \ }
  if !isdirectory(plugin.path)
    call system(['git', 'clone', plugin.repo, plugin.path])
  exec 'packadd'

call s:PackAdd('vim-denops/denops.vim')
call s:PackAdd('Shougo/ddu.vim')
call s:PackAdd('Shougo/ddu-ui-ff')
call s:PackAdd('Shougo/ddu-kind-file')
call s:PackAdd('Shougo/ddu-source-action')
call s:PackAdd('Shougo/ddu-source-file')

call ddu#custom#patch_global(#{
      \ ui: 'ff',
      \ uiParams: #{
      \   ff: #{
      \     split: 'floating',
      \   },
      \ },
      \ kindOptions: #{
      \   action: #{
      \     defaultAction: 'do',
      \   },
      \ },
      \ })

command Ddu call ddu#start(#{ sources: [ 'file' ] })

autocmd FileType ddu-ff nnoremap a <Cmd>call ddu#ui#do_action('chooseAction')<CR>
autocmd FileType ddu-ff nnoremap <CR> <Cmd>call ddu#ui#do_action('itemAction')<CR>

Reproduction Steps

  1. Place init.vim at any location
  2. Launch neovim with nvim -u init.vim
  3. Execute :Ddu command
  4. Move the cursor over any file and input a (chooseAction)
  5. Move the cursor over open and input (itemAction: do)
Shougo commented 11 months ago


Shougo commented 11 months ago
