Shougo / defx.nvim

:file_folder: The dark powered file explorer implementation for neovim/Vim8
MIT License
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expect open folder with defx exploer not netrw #121

Closed zhoupro closed 5 years ago

zhoupro commented 5 years ago

I find a solution, but I think it not the best.

augroup defx
    au VimEnter * sil! au! FileExplorer *
    au BufEnter * if s:isdir(expand('%')) | bd | exe 'Defx' | endif
augroup END

fu! s:isdir(dir) abort
    return !empty(a:dir) && (isdirectory(a:dir) ||
       \ (!empty($SYSTEMDRIVE) && isdirectory('/'.tolower($SYSTEMDRIVE[0]).a:dir)))
Shougo commented 5 years ago

I don't want to add the feature, but the information may be useful.

Freed-Wu commented 4 years ago

i have another solution:

nnoremap <C-w>f :<C-u>execute finddir(expand('<cfile>')) !=# '' ? 'Defx ' . finddir(expand('<cfile>')) : 'sfind <cfile>'<CR>
